
soulintent's picture

Earlier this year, I had a very unhealthy, stressful corporate job that I hated as they felt it appropriate that employees be 1000% available when they called.  It was ruining my life.

In Mid-March, I was fed up, and declared a statement that I needed to make my dream come true of having my own human and animal health business and posted it on Facebook.  The first of May, I was let go.  As soon as that happened, I laughed at how I manifested myself out of this very well paying job that I hated.  OMG - I manifested my release.

That has started a journey of releasing all sorts of things for me and gives me the opportunity to make suggestions for people releasing their own issues too.  I've since taken lots of training in several health modalities and that have served people in different ways to help them on their journey as well.

I've used essential oils over 10 years in some fashion or another, but really didn't use them for anything other than a physical healing or stress relief.  I've since moved to using them almost solely for emotional and spiritual support.

Learning techniques that are for releasing emotions, regardless if you know what emotion or stored memory, really, that is at the surface ready to release.

I've had many ups and downs this year and just when I thought I had finished and was literally on Cloud 9, I would retreat and feel my vibration lower and could not stop it.  I would diffuse a high frequency oil blend and could feel it penetrate my cells and could feel less stress and less worry and shortly, would feel my frequency rising again.

I've been part of Emotional Release Techniques where people have released stored memories holding them back including a memory stored in DNA of a childhood trauma being kidnapped and abused and later this same abuser following this person throughout her life, making her feel like she was crazy that someone was following her or fearful for her life. She released it and worked through the memory so much so she was able to help a friend who's been down a rabbit hole so to speak since early adulthood without reason.  The memory releasing helped her realize why her friend was having such a difficult time and they were able to heal this.

One of my favorite oils last year is a blend called Surrender.  Me at the time, using them for physical or stress relief uses, would inhale this oil and apply some to my crown for stress relief.  After the third time of using this oil (yes, I could be dense) I ended up releasing some emotions, I realized this oil was helping me surrender.

I wear a blend called Joy over my heart which is a high frequency blend that does raise both frequency and mood.  I wear Inner Child on my ears for more "child like" behaviors.  Live With Passion promotes passion in everything...  Motivation does just that and supports determination.  Release oil blend, does this too, regardless if you feel the need to release anything.  I've witnessed many people using this oil that greatly changed their lives.

Dr. Wayne Dyer said essential oil is "God in a bottle" and "God's Gift in a Bottle".  Very true.

We now teach classes on uses of essential oils including Emotional Release Techniques by applying specific oils on specific locations on the body along with affirmations.  There are many ways that essential oils can be used to support our lives, these are just a few that could be helpful in our journeys.