Releasing the Personal ego Self ~ Peter

Lia's picture

Releasing the Personal ego Self ~ Peter



Beloved God I Am of incorruptible matter at infinite speed, I call forth the Spirit of Knowing to share some insight as to this process of releasing the personality or ego self at this time.


Time is a most incredible paradigm when it comes to experiencing the realms of the physical vibration.  But it must be remembered that the time and physical vibration are interconnected and one cannot be separated from the other.  This means that patience is called for and of course the true aspect of Faith in the Eternal Program of this Divine Plan.  So, Trust is indeed the signature of these times of release.  Trust that all is well, Trust that the God within is in absolute control of the outcome and Trust that each one of you are a Child of God.  Although free will is at play, remember that you all still have the same powers as God to create what it is that you desire.  The Energies of the day will be telling you that what you think is what you create, so please be very mindful of your words, thoughts and actions, especially more than ever before.


The lethargy of sorts that many are feeling these days is not to do with a lack of Faith or Trust, or even that one is in a process of stagnation or displacement of ideas or concepts.  This lethargy is a state of complete body reconstruction.  Light is permeating deeper into the structures of humanities DNA and the Energy of God is being amplified within everyone’s connection, the greater your connection, the more Light and the more Light the greater the responsibility to hold this Light!  These re-constructions and re-calibrations of the physical body and in fact all the other bodies associated with you throughout all other dimensions will take a little more time before you will feel the difference in the Brighter and much more Lighter way.  Yes, We do mean a Brighter Light, as in the Light of God not in the perception of better things.  But One goes hand in hand with the other does it not?


Rest is the answer for this time, as this will allow the Angelic Realms to work on your energetic fields.  You may still participate in the world events if you will and should you so choose, but Know that all is not as it seems with you right now. You are in deep transition and recalibration as the Energies of Transmutation continue to pour into all Realms upon Earth.  They will only amplify from this time forward so to be prepared for such changes to come if rest is not taken into full application and implementation you will only find it more uncomfortable to deal with!  Your Divine Awareness of Knowing is such that your participation in these events in an old way should by now be telling you that they are no longer part of the human conscious program or planned experiences for you.  The Human Evolutionary Program in place is directly connected through each of you through your lineages and ancestries, which would be more appropriately described for this explanation, as part of your Higher Vibrational connections to God by you.  Your human form is an anchor that has penetrated deep into Mother Earth.  It is likened to a tree whose roots are embedded deep into Mother Earth, yet its branches and leaves supported by its trunk, reach out into the atmosphere of this world where the tree is connected to all of the weather patterns (the Elementals doing their work and their effects in transmutation thereof), but it's connection to its Divine Purpose is to maintain life for humanity through it’s process to create oxygen for the inhabitants of the planet This is the trees Higher Purpose.


Your minds at this time or your consciousness, are the roots, your body is the trunk that supports the Higher Purpose and your Higher Consciousness links you to the Grid Matrix of the human being, but also it is the link to connect this through to the other Higher Dimensions.  The Human Purpose is to Experience and you can only experience the New through change!  At this time on Earth for those who desire new experiences, and they have arrived, is to move into Higher Awareness and you can’t do this while you are busy, depleted, tired or out of balance!


It is now your Duties to hold the energy of the Planet within your Divine Vision for these New experiences to manifest and then place the images you receive of Mother/Father God around Her, in your Hearts, God will take care of the rest through you.


In the past for the energies of Mother/Father God to be anchored upon the planet silent incarnated Masters held these Divine Energies in place.  In recent times, these Masters left the Planet, for the numbers of Light Workers were such that they were sufficient to take hold of the torch of humanity.  They said "we shall now hold the Light and take full Responsibility for the Planet."  And so you have!


Everything is being amplified now and so many more tens of thousands of human beings are consciously aware of this “taking of responsibility”.  So they continue to grow in numbers and consciously increase the Light Quotient upon the Planet through themselves as conscious conduits.  Now it is time for all of these people to take the next step, to releasing the personality self. Just as the Masters handed over the Light to humanity, it is time for those who are ready and of a Higher Knowingness to step away from the mainstream consensus of beliefs that the planet and humanity is anything less than Whole.  It is only the ego mind and the personalities of the experiences that keep all these in place!


The Masters held the Images and the Visions of Mother/Father God for Humanity and Planet Gaia, so that present day humanity would one day see, feel and be a part of these visions for themselves.  In time and the time is NOW, once they recognize and allow these embedded subconsciousness Visions to filter through to the conscious mind, they will see that their lives were nothing but a grand illusion.  The visions of the illusions are even grander than they have ever been before today, but at least now the Visions of Truth are changing and the illusions are being recognized for what they were, simply lessons in the creation!


Now the New Masters, the ones’ who walk upon the planet, YOU, see beyond the illusions of old and are coming forward, making your claims upon the old belief systems and belief patterns, by withdrawing your consciousness’ completely, thus beginning the dissolution starting with all the key illusions that humanity has supported for such a long time.  Such as separation from God, illness, death, fear and the list goes on!


The New Visions do not see a planet that is out of balance, sick, or in any time in sufferance or decay.  It does not see any human being who is ill, hurt or at any time in disposed with the negative attributes of being human.  The New Visions hold the Truth of Mother/Father God in All and in this Allness, the Wholeness of the One.  This is the time when the Full Light Body can descend upon the Planet through those who are open within the Human Experience, just as Jesus did 2000 years ago.  It is in this Light that will allow these New Visions for the Planet and Its People along with all the Life Forms to expand into Their Wholeness.  The expotential rate of expansion shall be unknown per se in human terms, than ever before and once this has been acknowledged, finally truly felt within the Human Heart and not just a thought, sickness, disease and any imbalance upon the Planet will be a thing of the past.


This is all about leading by example for each of you now.  Many watch and listen, many are paying a great deal of attention, so call forth the depths of Trust within you and place all of your Faith in God, in the Guides, Angels, Elementals and Human Masters alike, that are around you.  Declare your needs, set forth the programme and choose the experiences you desire throughout this process.  Take the steps and actions required to anchor these New Dynamics into the Earth/Human Experience.


All IS well, nothing is required to be done, for We have all the permissions from humanity We need to now make the difference you have all envisaged so fervently.  It is completed already and nothing can deter Us, nothing can deter you, from the result of this Divine Plan.


Now rest and rest and rest and enjoy your rest.  Be at peace in your New Birth awareness and Know We stand beside you, already in action and awaiting your further instructions.


Adonai  -  En Coobla Hobla Nai


(It is an expression of never being outside of the Source.  Always Being within the One! )


Blessings and Thanks

With Love and Light






ellion's picture

Hello Peter,

I'm glad you interpretted that, now I can relate.


"It is an expression of never being outside of the Source. Always Being within the One!"



A profound and welcomed statement.  "One" seems pretty empty at this point, and seems that it can only be filled by us.  Actually all it needs is realization. Once we enter its domain, we no longer look at it with doubt and wonder, but with awe and appreciation.  Our life takes on a whole new meaning, much more than the world of separation could ever offer, for anything outside everything is nothing, aka illusion. This is the composition of separation. We might ask ourself... "Am I outside looking in or inside looking out"?  One is an actual place of residence and it is where we dwell and where everything is going.  Exciting to watch develop...

Love Is All