
spiritdancer 2012's picture


Remember your Dreams of the Highest Degree. For they are your means to see your true me. Remember your feelings of your greatest highs, as your window to your soul to help you realize, who you really are through subtle disguise. Who we really are is in Who we most wish to truly Be, and who our Heart wishes to express so naturally. What I wish more than anything else in this world right now is tha...t Unconditional Love shine in your Heart and lift you high, to soar like an eagle and touch the sky. May our Love and Light ((( shine ))) to all the earth, and all the universe's renewal take birth. May everyone reach a higher state of knowing that We may all Be our true selves a glowing. Our heartfelt tears of joy are falling like rain, upon this universe wherever there's pain, Filling their Hearts with Love and Light, and lifting them up to their dreams delight ♥

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