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Yes, I had a similar experience in November 2005. Looking back at my medical records I think it began on 11th November 2005 which I have read here recently is a harmonic of 11/11/11. I didn't even know about ascension back then, but I had started learning about the various 2012 theories. I believe I am Indigo, I am 32 years old from the UK.

I had read The Lost Teachings of Atlantis (very good book) three times in just a few days, and then it was like a switch had been flipped and it felt like I had been kissed on the top of the head by God, that was how I described it. This I am guessing was a kundalini experience. At first I was unable to make any decisions, my girlfriend asked me what I wanted for dinner, pizza or some other option I couldn't remember and I was unable to answer. Eventually I was forced to say yes or no and it didn't matter which option I chose just that I chose one or the other and then I was able to make decisions again.

I did a lot of time travelling backwards and forwards and ended up in 2012. Rather than my environment reflecting light as it does in 3D they seemed to eminate light, everything was so vivid. The sunlight had changed and the light was more orange, and I kept asking what was wrong with the sun. I have seen hints of this again in the last month or two. The first thing I got was a massive download, a long string of songs running through my head, starting with All You Need Is Love by the Beetles, the first song to be broadcast globally. When visiting Blockbusters I didn't understand that films had to be paid for and thought that everything was freely available.

I was hospitalised after nearly setting the flat on fire when I ran around the flat turning all the electrical switches on, there was a pizza box in the oven that nearly caught fire. I was trying to complete a pyramid with two corners being space and time, and then I realised that the third corner was light. I was in the main hospital for 3 weeks before being admitted (supposedly 'voluntarily') to a mental hospital. I was going through a lot of extreme experiences, good and bad. I had refused medication, but like you I was made to take it once at the mental hospital.

I experienced depersonalisation and everyone being me. I had days where everything I said was in rhyme, I could sing Eminem songs perfectly and remember all the words. I even had a day where I drew a cowd around my bed and impressed the nurses when I was saying a scentence and a few seconds later the news (which was live) would broadcast the exact same scentence I had recited. I was getting TV broadcasts direct to my conciousness and could watch TV with the TV off. Being connected to the global consiousness was amazing, there was so much creativity.

The most vivid thing I remember was looking out of the window and seeing maybe 6-8 objects in the sky that looked like comets making a figure of eight. I watched them for hours going round and round, always turning back up when they reached the bottom rather than hitting the earth. I was in a day on my own that was seperate from the day before and the day after. I was trying to explain to people that there was always hope even when there seemed to be none, and people were getting very angry with me. I believe this was related to the timeline shift we experienced on 28th October 2011.

My 'symptoms' lasted for three months and then went away completely and were put down to Cannabis Psychosis. I ended up taking Olanzapine for the next 4 years, in which time I went from my ideal weight to having a BMI of 30. Since coming off the Olanzapine and going on a low carb diet after getting Colitis I have gone back down to a normal weight.

Besides seeing more vivid colours again recently I have just this week experienced the rotation of planets again, something which I experienced in 2005. I am guessing that this is the feeling of being in the centre of the sun and I can feel the rotation and pull of the planets in conjunction with my breathing. I visited the beings in the centre of the sun while I was in hospital. Outside the building was intense fire, but inside was cold like ice, and yet I was neither too hot or too cold. The beings there had intense love for me and for each other, and I could hear celesital music. I can heat my chest up when opening my heart chakra which I experienced quite intensly last night (I most often do this while asleep and others have commented on the heat I put out). I felt the sun in my heart chakra, and this was followed by the icy feeling I had felt before. It is like a switch in the way I feel about something insignificant thing can cause a large fluctuation between two extremes.

There were so many experiences I had in 2005 that have suddenly started to make perfect sense to me and I am now starting to experience syncronicities relating to them. It is like getting glimpses at a roadmap, like I have been here before. I have some telepathic ability and can have complete conversations in my head with my girlfriend which she verifies. I have experienced bilocating while in my car on the motorway. My girlfriend was a passenger at the time, we completely missed the junction we were supposed to turn off at and both experienced the jump simultaneously. This was a familiar road and a journey we make frequently, I reckon we skipped about 5 miles of road. A friend of mine has since experienced the same thing with her son as a passenger. This is very different to the mind wandering while driving and forgetting part of the journey.

I long to go back to the higher dimensions, it is so liberating, but I don't wish to be medicated. It wasn't nice being locked up, but that is not really the problem, the biggest problem is being forced to take the medication and having my experiences curtailed and I don't want this to happen to me again. I am trying to take things slower this time and remain grounded. My experiences took me totally by surprise the first time and I just jumped in and totally immersed myself. I can't wait to see what 2012 will bring, and the articles on this site are so informative and inspiring. Thank you so much for letting me know that other people have had similar experiences to my own.


