Restoring Christ Consciousness Grid through the Atlantis Program ~Thoth

Lia's picture

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press, I would not pay so much attention to the wording of the following message or the time frames. This is True and The Higher Real Grid HAs Been Established is On and Active YEEHAW!, The First Wavers Completed this Aspect of the Divine Mission Love The Earth Allies


Thanks to Bill Ballard and Commentary to this Post from Bill Ballard

Hey Amara!
I so resonate with what you say, but there are missing pieces. WE did complete the re-establishment of the Christ Grid in February 1992, after we Opened the 11:11 Doorway January 11, 1992. I was in Mississippi as that unfolded and it was quite a visible site in the sky that February, seen with our 3D Eyes.
What I witnessed, and from Yazoo, Mississippi during that time was that there was a Light Grid, many double helix segments forming what was like a clothwork or fabric of Light North to South and East to West… Like Longitude and Latitude lines of Light. This went on for some time that it was visible with 3D Eyes.
When we Opened the 11:11 Doorway, we knew that was going to unfold, but did not know how or when… It was much soon after, BUT was only established by those who were consciously participating in bringing New Earth into manifestation… It has taken a long time to wake up humanity to where we are now, and boy are we traveling at lightening speed now… Finally!
The Christ Grid was fully formed then, BUT is ONLY EMPOWERED by those of us who so choose to live within our hearts.
The Buddhic Grid was only re-established as a critical mass of awakened humanity actually entered Christ Consciousness and their Ascension Mastery from Activating their heart chakra or moving their consciousness from their heads to their hearts… That unfolded in a great way in November and December of 2009 when there was a requirement of a minimum of 8000 persons around planet to instigate the ascension process… Since then, and as of Venus Transit in June of 2012, there was a minimum of 144,000 who accomplished their Ascension Mastery… which sets the stage for all the rest of humanity… I wrote about that in my last book…
So much is happening now… so very fast.. and is beyond my wildest dreams. I came into this life knowing, remembering, but also saw all possible timelines… We are on one of the High Roads now…
Thanks for all you do. I hope what I have to offer you in my knowing will help you better un understand as your work helps me…
Bill Ballard

06 Monday May 2013


The following messages were transmitted by Cosmic Master Thoth, who was once the King Priest of ancient Atlantis.

“The Atlantis civilisation which existed on planet Earth some 100,000 to 150,000 years ago was the result of an experiment co-participated by the star nations of this galaxy. The aim was to produce a new breed of star beings who would eventually be capable of dwelling on planet Earth in physical form while fully holding the consciousness of the Galaxy and her constituent parts. The Atlantis program is part of the divine plan of the Milky Way Galaxy to transform Earth into the first Light City in form, functioning as the bridge between the world of materiality (3rd dimension) and the realms of the formless (5th dimension and above). To this end, the Ascended Masters began the construction of two etheric grids around the Earth as pre-requisites to the successful establishment of Tara, the designated star city : (i) Christ Consciousness Grid (CCG); and (ii) Buddhic Consciousness Grid (BCG). The former ensures the unity of hearts among the star humans who shall be the civilians of the eventual Tara [Love] while the latter is meant to bring about a perfect connectivity between the minds of man and the Mind of God [Light or Wisdom].

To comply with the Galactic Law that the heart (feminine creative principle or Love) precedes the mind (masculine principle or Light), accordingly the CCG needs to be fully anchored on Tara before the BCG can overlay the CCG and be functional completely. The new Atlantis program supported by both CCG and BCG has been referred to as the Maitreya program in the Book of Knowledge -Keys of Enoch©.

Due to the fall of Atlantis around 15000 years ago, part of the CCG was damaged, especially around the Bimini Islands, Bermuda Triangle and south eastern parts of America. These parts of the CCG need to be restored fully in order for Earth to hold her 5D energy frequency in harmony with her physical body (3D) and her galactic self (5D and above), before the new Atlantis race can emerge on Tara[ Mother Earth=Heart, The New Earth].

Many of ex-Atlantean star humans have been called back to Earth to heal their past life trauma relating to the sinking of the Atlantis continent and in so doing, assist in the repair of the CCG. Healing awakens the Love or Oneness consciousness which is the exact vibratory match for the CCG.” 

- Transmission received on 6 May 2013




Desert Gypsy's picture

Major confirmation with this one! Was told a couple years ago, I was here to heal the Atlantis trauma..Along with my Goddess sisters!....Awesome!