A certain part of us has to die in order to experience spiritual awakening. This is the symbolism behind the crucifixion of Jesus. We often don’t even know that we are in a state of spiritual deadness. Notice how badly the personality resists. The level of resistance is the exact intensity of our attachment to the false identity. It is the very thing that needs to be undone. Struggling will only make things worse so it’s best to remain still. Consider how much the personality does not want to experience spiritual death. It feels just like the real thing. Let’s not, however, be convinced that we’re too weak to make it through the fear and pain.
Facing our own personal day of judgement is the realization that we will have to face exactly what we have put out into the universe AND what we have not. If we’ve wronged someone we will eventually be made to feel the same vibrational energy we put into that action. If we hold back our feelings, we will have to face that too. We resist because we know it’s going to hurt. There really is no judgement involved, except the criticism we to give to ourselves. The longer we wait and the harder we resist the worse it feels when it finally comes time. It’s beneficial to do the work now and understand why we are putting out negative energy in the first place.