Revealing the Light~ Instant Freedom

Lia's picture


by John McIntosh


You are not your circumstances ... no matter how dark. You are not your behaviours … no matter how disgusting. 


What are these?


They are experiences you have collected … conditioning, out of which flow guilt, remorse and shame.  Much of it is buried as you have deemed it too difficult to look at. Some of it floats closer to the surface of your consciousness in the form of obvious habits … clues to the programs controlling your every moment. Whether seen in your behaviour or subtly hidden, all influence how you experience Life.


You are also not the body.


What is it?


It is an instrument, a vehicle to taste experience. It is very pliable and susceptible to your conditioning. Every vibration that passes through it, down to the DNA and atomic levels, has a sculpting affect on how the body appears, feels and performs for you. Your mind does not recognize this symbiotic relationship unless the Real You goes looking for it.

As a result your circumstances and bodily experiences are tied to a belief in victim-hood when so called 'bad' things occur and to luck and chance when so called 'good' things occur.



This is how much of humanity has ‘existed’ for eons in relative unconsciousness of Truth.


More recently, in your lifetime and a little before there has been a flickering of Truth slip through the barricades of conditioning, which has begun to reshape the way Life is experienced. 


Again, your conditioning and the beliefs they embrace influence how much Truth you allow to Light your Life … the conditioning has become an identity [body-mind or ego] that you have accepted as ‘who you are’ and does not want to lose it’s control, so it is very resistant to the Light of Truth.


INSTANT FREEDOM is possible Now however, in this New Era, this New 5th dimensional Energy of timeless, space-less - Now, this Golden Age in which we Now dwell.


It is this simple:


Observe the chattering of the mind-body as the instruments they were meant to be to experience Life. See them without judgment. 


If you feel angry then express it … let it out … then let it go … it is not you. If you are excited – express it – then let it go – it is not you. If you feel like acting like a child and be silly … then be silly … it is not you.


Play, laugh, cry, scream, run wild … do what you feel for doing then let it go … it’s not you.


Watch all the old behaviours rise to the surface, embrace them – they are God in disguise … just don’t identify with them … they are not you.


When you experience life without identifications, without reference to past history and all the stories you once believed were real … you ARE FREE NOW.


This does not mean this experience will immediately become your every Moment experience … you will slip back into living from identities and you WILL feel the FREEDOM slip away again. Don’t beat your Self up over this … these programs have been there for a long while. Simply keep choosing to be the watcher – the observer and embrace everything that comes up without distinction of good or bad. 

The Real You that is doing that is expanding in your experience and will Transform these old conditions back into Love and soon … Freedom, will be your every Moment experience.


This is the Truth of What is possible for everyone Now, in this Golden Age.
