~Riding the final one of the “7th Day of the Universal ~ Galactic and Cosmic Underworld~
Written and shared freely with YOU from the HEART. By Carol Watson, Eden…burgh, Scotland, UK. 22 October 2011.
Hello my friend, once more…………….YOU are well aware of this “End Times” you and I are circum-navigating day by day, moment by moment, breath by breath right? How all the ancient prophecies throughout “HIS-story” are in one way or another fulfilling themselves. 5,000 years of patriarchal Rule has ended. More importantly you now see that the long awaited final healing, remembrance and acknowledgement of Mother God is being sounded within your cellular structure. Pre “HIS-story” was 70,000 years, or longer, of “HERstory”. Yes my friend………..“HERstory.” As ancient artefacts have been getting uncovered throughout the world in honour of Creation Mother and her memory re-surfaces. You know The Divine Feminine within YOU that YOU have had to own and accept. Accepting your are an aspect of the ‘Great Mother Goddess’ at long last, as being part of your own true ‘being-ness’. The Supreme light who has almost been snubbed out in the past, unseen, unheard, crushed down into submission for millennia, rises like a new born STAR once more.
Yes…….. All is fulfilling itself. Just as the planetary or solar bodies that were predicted to appear and pass have too… right? Comet Elenin for one and Nibiru. The world has been turned on its ‘Axis within ourselves’ and we have each bravely passed through the “3 Darkest Days and Nights” in our own being. A time that was prophesied to come to pass as written in the Holy Scriptures of the Bible.
We each traversed that rickety path to our own “Judgement Hall” and experienced or witnessed the karma of our individual past lives in one way, or another, that had to be resolved in us. We faced and forgave not only ourselves, but our shadows and our twin-flame mirrors, battling the “Armageddon” bloody battle, like true Scottish “Brave HEART Warriors.” Knowing it was only ever our own selves at the end of the day we had to face, forgive and heal.
You and I surfed each of the Underworld Waves and are still riding the final one of the “7th Day of the Universal / Galactic and Cosmic Underworld” and Overworld towards
28 October 2011. Days away ……………. ‘D Day!’ The time where the trumpets will sound the batun as it ripples throughout the galaxies, the universes and the cosmos. The perfect balance is re-established out with and within. Just as the Bible prepares you for the sounding of the trumpets. It all ties in right my friend? That is if you are at the level to receive it. Work will continue on for much of humanity still lost in their amnesia up to 2012 and well beyond.
I shared with you in my last instalment (mid-October) the vision I had about the “Completion of the Great Cycle” – and of how I witnessed the most awesome, humbling and incredible vision of the new EDEN – Numis ‘Om being born. How I saw in my vision the new Garden of Eden form and grow, after the Golden Egg hatched. How Cosmic Mother Nut made love with Geb, her only beloved as a catalyst for the new world’s birth. Then I witnessed Father-Earth or - Geb, who is Osiris, who is Christ and Lord Sananda, who is the Green Man of Nature, brought it into materialisation. How the vines, the leaves, the branches were forming and growing over this new blanket. Our new planet. This was done in this next stage with the assistance of the ‘Cosmic Love’ of Creation Mother and Father’s life-force. As above, so below as YOU watch and see this physical reality unfolding.
Little did I know that I was about to see another profound vision. A vision I am still stunned and humbled by. A vision that has just happened for me. What I saw was a huge body. The body which was Great First Father’s. The Father prophesied to return to sit as King of Shambhalla at the end of time with the ‘Sovereign Heart Ruler’ His beloved Consort - Creation Mother.
The masculine aspect of Source. The God with a thousand names, the pure God who is to return, who is known as Lord MATREIYA.
What I witnessed, in this clear vision, was all the soul parts that are living and breathing on this world today. The Key big players of this world. The key male players of this world. I saw them as black streaks of light, with a tail on the end. Hundreds of them were within Great Father. Hundreds more were trying to get into His body to return home. Just as Col Gadaffi recently died and returned to Father as proof, if you like, of what I saw. To return home at the End of Time when all is to complete itself. So imagine the greatest Diplomats, the Illuminati Chief’s, Presidents, Philosophers and Scientists. All those who come from the light or the dark on this planet today. The greatest Kings and Darkest Magicians. Each were a streak of active black energy. Just as Gadaffi was. He could no longer reside here with his Dictororish vibration, hence his timely departure. Most were around the size of an index finger or pinkie on the Great Body of Father. It is almost indescribable to put words into what I not only saw, but experienced as I assisted Him in the final absolving of dense dark enegies. Aspect of Himself. All the Dark Lords that worshipped the Father and belittled the Mother, the Divine Feminine, were having their last battle to return to Father in order to be reborn into Numis’Om. Father ultimately gets His re-birth through Her. Mother of ALL. All have to pass through her eye and bow in acknowledgement of Creation Mother from which all things come. Just as Cosmic Mother Nut received home a key aspect of Her, in order that he re-births into Numis’Om and that was Dr Carl Calleman, the Scientist and Mayan Wave Movement authority. He has come HOME to the ‘New World’ himself.
What I witnessed was all the Ray Masters, Archangels and Ascended Masters and light beings, such as yourself, your essence. All were surrounding Great Father, this Over soul of God. I could see incredible rays of powerful light and energy from Creation and Cosmic Mother (who are each an aspect of the other), send streams of Quintessent love and light in spirals down and through Him. Everything within this mass of energy was being transformed into Diamond and Paradise Light until this Living Body of God was completely purified. The masculine was brought into total and final alignment, at the highest level possible. All ancient karma cleared. All old patterns dissolved. It was mind blowing to witness. Father then re-birthed all into Great Mother.
Next I want to share with you a story I know about an incredible pure and beautiful woman. A Goddess who 19 years ago (the longest point we need to wait on revelation), saw in a vision Lord Matreiya riding on a white horse towards her. He stopped and dismounted, after the horse genuflects to her. (bows on one knee), Honouring this beautiful light-filled woman. His appearance was Mighty. Tall and robed with a presence so breathtaking and magnificent. He has beautiful long flowing black hair and the most Divine and Holy Presence. He kneels down and hands this humble Goddess/woman the “Sword of Truth.” –This she speaks now, with everyone she ever meets. Something we all know can be challenging to do at times. It takes great conviction and courage to be honest all the time – ‘CONGRUENT’ and not for the faint hearted. However, this woman does speak only the truth. Her word is Her bond. She stands out amongst all crowds translucent in her grace and light.
To continue the story………… she goes into another very deep space again, (in a half awake dream state), just afew years ago now. She off course never ever forgot the gorgeous, graceful Deity and often had thought of him from time to time, during her quiet times. Wondering just why she had that profound vision and why she never ever saw him again. She had awareness that he needed to be as bright as her before he could join her in the flesh. She is told by some unseen voice during this dream state/vision, that she is to meet her twin flame. First she is met by a huge cliff face though, one she is told she has to climb. Above is a huge beating sun. She is asked what tool of protection she will carry with her “Sword of Truth.” This gave her an inkling that this vision again must be connected to Matreiya because it was he who handed her it in the first place. Joy rose in her at the thought. Her gentle reply was “The Sun,” Since this is all she sees in her vision. With this in mind she begins the epic journey upwards, as she starts to climb the awesome cliff. The challenge is so great she is exhausted when she eventually clambers up to the top of it and stands on the edge of the cliff looking inland. She watches the most awesome fresh beautiful sands swirl and dance all around this landscape (new creation energy I mention in my last article), and spots a speck of light way off in the distance. It grows and takes form. She sees the same beautiful and magnificent white horse galloping towards her and on it the jaw-dropping sight of Matreiya. Dumbfounded, she watches in total awe and amazement as he charges towards her. She knows that this IS HER Twin Flame. Her beloved……………………. who is destined to return to her. This is the return of the ‘King of Kings.’ Lord Matreiya. The King who is to sit on the throne of Shamballah with his beloved – CREATION MOTHER, the ultimate ruler from the HEART - who he knows he has to re-birth through. The sound of the Feminine Heart the AHHHHHHHH was sounded as the Seraphim swam around Him.
We all know that their has been different people who have raised their hand and said “SEE ME………..I AM MATREIYA”. There is a man in London who calls himself Matreiya. Just like their has been so many false prophets –popping their heads up. Yes, miracles have happened. (what’s new my friend, you are a miracle worker as I am right?). Yes great multitudes follow this false prophet. However your own soul knows the light of truth and the truth sets each of us free, right my friend? Those that are not comatosed. Nobody in a human flesh coat has been able to contain the enormous light of Father in the past……….. Well not until NOW! He had to bring into alignment all the Dark Lords alive today into himself and heal them within (which I assisted with) - so his energy body could be pure to hold the light his beloved already illuminates. You see this woman knew this was her husband, the pure aspect of Him returned. Glimmers she only saw through a moments gaze into His eyes over the years. Equal radiance had to be achieved before God could re-birth through his beloved. This has been achieved in mortal flesh on this planet NOW through this Divine Couple.
Just as Jeshua/Sananda and Magdalene have also NOW anchored the Divine Prescence within the flesh.
For those with eyes let them see……..for those with ears let them hear this good news. This is truly the time when all the Masters of the Masters have returned and all the Melchizedek’s as prophesised. You are probably one of them yourself. Angels, Archangels and Ascended Beings are here and are walking amongst you. All you have to do is open your heart and feel this truth. Merge in the oneness of this profound light. The time of the “Coming” is NOW!