~Ring of Ascension~
Copyright © 2011 David K. Miller
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Welcome to 2011. This is the year of the planetary healer and planetary healing. From your perspective you have witnessed almost seven months of 2011. And I am sure you will agree that 2011 has been a rollercoaster ride for the planet. And if you think that the first seven months, or this seven months, is just the introduction and the preparation for what is going to happen in 2012, then you would be very concerned and very upset about what is to come. We are strongly acknowledging that the full spectrum of planetary healing activities and planetary healing technologies must now be implemented on the Earth. When we designated 2011 the year of the planetary healer, then we knew that there was going to be a much more intense need for your work and your intervention. We knew that these polarizations that you are seeing would become more intense. We knew that the Earth changes or global changes in weather patterns were going to become more active. But also we feel that the opportunity for telepathically connecting with the Earth is stronger now than any other time on the planet. It is truly an amazing time to be on the Earth. It is truly an amazing opportunity to use your skills as planetary healers. And many of you have incarnated into the Earth at this time to explore, to practice, to contribute to the planetary healing experience. This planetary healing experience is going to be the key factor in the survival of the biosphere. And it is going to be a major factor in the rebalancing of the Earth. We speak about your personal ascension, but we also are constantly speaking about the planetary ascension. And we know that the Earth as a planet will ascend. One of the major tools for the planetary ascension is the Ring of Ascension. And we would like to explore in greater depth the meaning of the Ring of Ascension. How can you, as planetary healers, use the Ring of Ascension to more effectively work your biorelativity exercises for the healing and rebalancing of the Earth?
It is true that it is time to work with the whole planet as one unit. It is time to realize that one part of a climate, one part of a continent, is communicating and is in balance with other continents. And that what is happening in Australia is affecting what is happening in the United States and what is happening in Canada. The Ring of Fire is a long chain of energy that goes to many different countries and different continents and across oceans. And what is happening in Chile is affecting what is happening on the west coast of the United States, for example. So the more effective approach to biorelativity is to work with the entire planet. But it is not the only approach. There are circumstances when you would work specifically with one area. But even when you are working with one area of the planet, you have to take into consideration what you are asking to be changed. And it has to take into consideration how the change that you are requesting will affect other parts of the planet.
So if there is a hurricane coming to Louisiana, then if you asked that that hurricane be stopped, then you would have to consider that because of the forces that are being expressed, then that hurricane would go into another state and cause other damage. So another approach would be to ask that it be spread out over a wider period. But also an even more intensive approach would be to look at the ocean currents coming from the southern hemisphere and the warming in the oceans there, and how that is affecting what you are seeing as violent weather. But we have said that the Earth patterns and weather patterns are so complex, the feedback loop system of the Earth is so complex, that we have to be very cautious. We have to understand that at some times in our simple solutions and our simple biorelativity interventions, and they should be used. A simple example would be praying for rain in an area that is in drought. Seemingly bringing rain to a drought area would not necessarily negatively affect other areas. And that is a reasonable assumption. But in other times there are so many complex factors going on, for example, the movement of the plates that are causing earthquakes and the eruptions of volcanoes also are part of the Earth’s feedback loop system. And that Ring of Fire, for example, is traveling thousands of miles. So it is difficult to say, “Well, let’s block the energy of this eruption,” because then you would have to think if there is going to be an eruption somewhere else along the Ring of Fire.
There also is the approach of taking the Earth as one planet. There is the approach of saying that we in all humbleness do not understand all of the mechanisms of Earth’s feedback loop system. We do not even attempt to try to figure out how to balance everything. And in fact there are so many other factors now that have contributed to the Earth’s energy field. And because these factors also affect the Earth’s meridians and the Earth’s feedback loop system, it is difficult for everyone to guess how the blockages that mankind has imposed on the Earth’s meridian systems are affecting the Earth’s feedback loop system. It is difficult enough to try and understand the Earth’s feedback loop systems without the placement of nuclear reactors, without the holes in the Earth’s aura from numerous nuclear above ground tests. And I may add that this above ground testing is still having an effect in the aura of the Earth even though these nuclear bomb above ground tests occurred 30 or 40 years ago. There still is upheaval in the Earth’s aura because of that. It is difficult to assess how dams blocking key rivers on the Earth are affecting the feedback loop system. Logic would say that, of course, these Earth feedback loop systems have been affected. But you know that one of the principles of biorelativity is that the Earth seeks a homeostasis. Homeostasis is a balance, and this balance is in a certain range, so that a certain level of oxygen, a certain level on nitrogen, is maintained and many other chemical factors, so that the biosphere and the life forms that it sports can be maintained. It is truly phenomenal that over the decades and over the thousands of years the Earth has maintained a homeostasis that has allowed the development of Man and many other living creatures to survive. Never before has one species influenced either consciously or unconsciously the Earth’s feedback loop system.
Previously the dinosaurs, that were perhaps the most predominant creature on the planet, were not really influencing the Earth’s feedback loop system and actually were living in a harmony. Man is not living in a harmony with the Earth’s feedback loop system. And the Earth’s feedback loop system is being challenged, and the Earth is being challenged because it is having difficulty to maintain the homeostasis that is necessary for us, for you, rather. So we look at the planetary healing experience, and we say that there has to be a way to send the biorelativity telepathic communications to the whole planet at once. There has to be a way to transcend the smaller mind of Man and connect with the Super Mind of Man and connect with the Super Mind of the planet. And that way can start with the Ring of Ascension.
The Ring of Ascension was downloaded with the help of the Arcturians and Ascended Masters who are working together with us. The Ring of Ascension is like a ring that you see in some of the other planets in your solar system. For example, Saturn has rings; Neptune has rings. So this ring that is around Earth is similar to that concept with one main difference. The difference is that this ring is for the Earth’s ascension, and this is an etheric ring. It is like an etheric halo, and this ring has a unique ability. This ring is interacting simultaneously with fifth- dimensional energy and downloading fifth-dimensional energy in the third dimension.
This ring is inhabited with the thoughts and the love of the Ascended Masters. Now you realize there are many Ascended Masters who are contributing now and working diligently for the Earth’s ascension. And the Ring of Ascension is serving many purposes, and one purpose is to allow the guides, the Ascended Masters and teachers to more easily bring down fifth-dimensional information, fifth-dimensional energy, to the Earth. And many of you already know that you have been more in contact with masters and teachers than any other time. There are more people that are channeling guides and teachers; there are more people who are connected with higher energy than any other time on Earth. I know that that sounds like a fantastic assertion. But numerically there are more starseeds on the Earth than any other time on the planet. There are more ascending masters; there are more students of ascension on the Earth than any other time. Previously in ancient times there were several prophets and teachers who would work on ascension and who were preparing for the Ascension. But even in ancient times there would only be several prophets who would be able to ascend, and never would there be more than the several prophets in a lifetime of the Earth ascending at the same time. It would be an individual unique event.
But now here we have a situation on the Earth where thousands and hundreds of thousands of starseeds and ascending masters can and will ascend. So, of course, there is a great need to interact with them because we know that the Ascension is like a birth. Picture the birth in the hospital, and you know that there are many people around, doctors and nurses. And there are special preparations there; there are special families waiting. I want you to understand that for the Ascension there are many guides and teachers on the other side waiting for you, preparing you for this transition, preparing you to be received. The part of this preparation is to provide an accessible energy, mainly the Ring of Ascension, which will facilitate your accessing fifth-dimensional energy. And also this Ring of Ascension is for planetary ascension as well. So that many of the guides and teachers, particularly Sananda, Sanat Kumara, Ashtar, to name a few, are gathered in an interacting with the Ring of Ascension in order to facilitate the uplifting on the entire planet.
This Ring of Ascension is around the whole planet, but even though you may think of a ring as having one location, so therefore you could think that the ring may be just around the equator, for example, and therefore the ring is in a two-mile diameter going around the equator. And you would think that because you would look at Saturn, you would look at Neptune, and you could perhaps from your vantage point on Earth using telescopes measure the width of the ring. And then you would say that that ring has a certain dimension, and that it is only covering a certain number of width around the planet.
But this Ring of Ascension is a fifth-dimensional ring, and it is a holographic ring, and it has special powers and special abilities. What are those special abilities? Number one ability of the Ring of Ascension is that it interacts and receives third-dimensional Man’s telepathic communications, and it translates and interacts with the third-dimensional messages and receives at the same time the messages and energies from the fifth-dimensional masters.
So imagine that you are sending healing thoughts to the weather patterns of the Earth, seeking a balance, seeking the end of a drought, for example, in the Midwest, particularly in Texas of the U.S. And imagine that you are praying for the many animals and praying for the many people who are suffering. So you send your prayers and your thoughts to the Earth through the medium of the feedback loop system using the Ring of Ascension. And that energy that you are sending is traveling around the whole Earth, and it is interacting telepathically with all of the different systems around the Earth that are involved in supporting and creating this shift that has led to the drought in that one area. So that many different areas, many different currents, need to be shifted in order to end the drought. But it must be done in a way that is in balance with the whole planet. It must be done in a way that supports and brings harmony to the whole planet, not in just one area such as Texas.
The Ring of Ascension takes this energy that you have sent, and it travels around and influences all of the other places that need to be influenced, so that a new balance can occur. What is also beautiful is that you who may be sitting in Australia or in Germany or in Philadelphia have equal distant access to the Ring of Ascension. So the Ring of Ascension is receiving information from the many different places around the Earth. This Ring of Ascension is not limited to a certain width. It is limited to the thoughts of the starseeds, and it can be as wide as the starseeds are who are supporting it around the planet. Or it could be narrow if you want to be more focused. But wide is also focused. It is like a holographic ring, and simultaneously the fifth-dimensional Ascended Masters are also participating in the Ring of Ascension. They monitor the Ring of Ascension all the time. They are listening all the time to what your needs are, to what the planetary needs are. They are listening to what is needed. I think that it is especially important to know that the response occurs sometimes right away. Other times it may take a while; other times it may even be longer. The reason is because you as one starseed do not know all of the many factors in the feedback loop system that need to be shifted and changed in order for the request to occur. But the Ascended Masters also are contributing their thoughts.
Remember I talked about the arcan power, which is the measurement of the thought power, and you would need to have a certain level of thought arcan power – 10 arcans, 20 arcans. Then the more arcans there are in your power of thought, the more likely that the changes that you are asking can be influenced strongly enough to occur. But now by going through the Ring of Ascension, you are interacting with the fifth-dimensional masters, and their thought patterns and their energy can also be measured in arcan power. And they have the ability to emanate much higher arcan power than you can even imagine. But in order for their arcan energy, arcan thought power, to be effective, it must interact with yours. This is one of the rules and laws of the planetary spiritual healing.
Fifth-dimensional masters’ and teachers’ thoughts and healing powers must be interactive with the third-dimensional inhabitants of a planet. The Ring of Ascension offers that important medium which allows the fifth-dimensional masters to interact with your thoughts and your requests for telepathic healing, for planetary healing, for the Earth.
I want to suggest that at this point, you and I together will send a request for planetary healing to the Ring of Ascension, and the Ring of Ascension will be wherever you are, wherever your thoughts are. And I want you to choose what healing thought you want to send to Mother Earth through the Ring of Ascension. And then you can request that the Ascended Master Teacher of your closeness, that is closest to you, will hear this, and that they also will send their thoughts into the Ring of Ascension. So then you can understand how powerful the energy of the Ring of Ascension can be. So we will meditate for just a few minutes, and I will return.
The arcan energy power of your thoughts for planetary healing is strong now. The guides and the teachers, and especially Sananda and Ashtar and Sanat Kumara, are actively processing and using your energies to distribute new healing light for the biosphere. So that ring of balance of light can be distributed throughout the Earth. This is one very powerful tool, the Ring of Ascension. And the Ring of Ascension can be used in conjunction with the 12 etheric crystals, because each of the etheric crystals has the ability to touch the Ring of Ascension. That is why the etheric crystals can be raised out of the ground, and the tops of these etheric crystals can actually be placed inside the Ring of Ascension. Imagine what a beautiful energy this would be if you were painting an image of the beautiful fifth-dimensional Ring of Ascension around the planet. 1600 people around the planet, sitting in a circular fashion, sending light to the Ring of Ascension with their Crown Chakras. On top of the planet in the etheric world there are fifth- dimensional masters and teachers simultaneously interacting, sending their thoughts and light into the Ring of Ascension. Then the 12 etheric crystals from the planet are raised and are interacting with the Ring of Ascension. It is amplifying the power of your thoughts. Then at the end of the exercise, the etheric crystals would be brought back down into the Earth, and they would be holding the energy of the Ring of Ascension in the crystal formation. The etheric crystals can hold fifth-dimensional energies in their healing powers to an extraordinary degree. And so it is as if you are storing the healing powers. You have worked so hard in your Ring of Ascension exercises. You are able to store that energy in the etheric crystals. The etheric crystals interacted directly with the Ring of Ascension.
Now a second powerful tool for the planetary healing is the Iskalia Mirror. The Iskalia Mirror is similar to a gigantic mirror over the North Pole. But it also is an energetic etheric mirror that has the ability to collect energy at far distances from the galaxy. It is difficult to imagine, but you can understand that even a telescope that has a mirror of 200 inches in diameter, given the right circumstances and the right openings to the skies, can receive light millions and billions of light years away, even though the light they receive is so faint. So I just demonstrated that the uses of the astronomical world can be so sensitive that they can receive light and energy back to the beginning of the formation of this universe. Now imagine that there is a fifth-dimensional etheric mirror. That is a mirror that can not only receive light in this dimension, but can receive light in other dimensions. Because the fifth dimension interacts, is now interacting on many different levels with the third dimension. And this Iskalia Mirror is in a particular alignment so that it is receiving light, fifth-dimensional light, from the Central Sun, and it is gathering that light from the Central Sun. And we know that Jesus-Sananda originated from the area of the Central Sun, and he is one of the founding fathers of universal light along with his lineage, which includes Moses-David and also includes Buddha and many other higher ascended beings.
And the light and energy from the Central Sun is now in a fifth-dimensional phase of knowledge and wisdom. The healing light is now particularly a planetary healing light to the Earth. There are many things you can say about the 2012 alignment. There are many things you can say about the December 22nd alignment with the Sun. But let me assure you that some of the most powerful fifth-dimensional energy that is ever experienced or seen on this planet will be available at this alignment. The planetary alignment known as the 2012 alignment, or the solar alignment, is not just the End Times’ energy. It is not just the energy of upheaval. It is not just the energy of change, but it is also a time when new fifth-dimensional energy is coming to the Earth. Now this fifth-dimensional energy is already on its way. As I have said in earlier lectures, the eclipse has begun. You are in the shadow of the eclipse of the 2012 alignment.
The energy of this Central Sun is coming to the Earth, but it must be gathered and focused. It must be directed to the Earth. And to this end the Iskalia Mirror has been placed by the Arcturians over the North Pole. It is a mirror in large-size diameter. I will come up with the size as you need it. It is at least one mile in diameter, even larger in your Earth terms. But the size is not as important as the fact that it has the potential of gathering fifth-dimensional light from the Central Sun. And the second fact that is obvious is that this fifth-dimensional light that it receives can be focused on particular areas on the Earth that are in need of planetary healing. It is also especially suitable to direct the energy and light from the Iskalia Mirror to the Planetary Cities of Light. The Planetary Cities of Light are special cities that are set up so that they are sensitive and receptive to the fifth-dimensional energies. They are sensitive to the new fifth- dimensional energies that are coming from the Central Sun. That means that these are new solutions. These are new ideas; these are new energies that perhaps have not been sent before. This also includes new music. I want to say there are going to be new sounds, new tones, new musical energies, that are coming to the Earth now through this Iskalia Mirror which is receiving light from the fifth dimension.
I am going to tone the words Iskalia Mirror now.
I, Juliano, am calling on the Iskalia Light. It is coming from the Iskalia Mirror and is directed towards the Ring of Ascension, now.
Iskalia Light from the Central Sun, the highest fifth-dimensional light, is now being downloaded into the Ring of Ascension. It is being transferred directly into the Planetary Cities of Light.
We have talked also about the Omega Light. The Omega Light is a light of transcendent nature that we have spoken to you about that is particularly useful for personal healing. And we have spoken about the usages of the Omega Light, and then you are doing affirmations, particularly in your subconscious energy field. But the Omega Light is also available for planetary healing. So, yes, this time on the Earth – July 30th, 2011 – is a time when great planetary energy of healing is needed. This is a time when we are calling on all planetary healers to unite, and to use their powers of meditation, and to use their powers of organization, and to use their powers of speaking, to use their powers of creating energy fields around the Planetary Cities of Light that is so dear to them. This is the time to activate and use the strongest arcan power as possible, so that the healing energy is a planetary healing, and can be in place holding together a powerful energy of planetary healing. I will ask Sananda to speak with you briefly. I love you all. Remember 2011 is the year of the planetary healing. I am Juliano. Good day.
(Sananda) I am loving your ascension work. I am loving your abilities to interact with the fifth dimension. I am loving your desires to be on the fifth dimension. And I am very pleased that the Arcturians have helped to establish this Ring of Ascension around the Earth. It is especially at a time when many people, many people see nothing but darkness on the Earth. It is especially a time when many people see only polarizations on the Earth. Especially this is a time when people see the destruction of many of the biospheric treasures on the Earth. So the Ring of Ascension serves an even more important role in holding together of a fifth-dimensional downloading mechanism.
The Ring of Ascension is also connecting the Ladders of Ascension. The Ladders of Ascension can reach up to the Ring of Ascension in your practice. Remember we have downloaded Ladders of Ascension, and we are calling on you to work with us to download another Ladder of Ascension at Lago Puelo in St. Martin de Los Andes, where a group of devoted starseeds has been working so diligently for the healing of this planet. This area especially has such a high potential for receiving and transmitting healing light and energy. So we will work with you to set up a time and date when we can establish another Ladder of Ascension. And this Ladder of Ascension from St. Martin de Los Andes can be in the city of St. Martin because it is so near to Lago Puelo. We will extend this Ladder of Ascension to the Ring of Ascension, and by doing that we will ensure that all of the other Ladders of Ascension are also going to be connected to the Ring of Ascension. For we, the Ascended Masters, are committed to working with you for the Earth’s ascension and for your ascension. We are especially sending love towards you, for you are loving the Earth. This is a great service to us and to the Creator, for the Creator has told us that the Earth is going to ascend, and that there will be ascension in the Earth. So we are working together now in this preparation for this interaction. So the Ring of Ascension is an interaction. Ascension is an interaction of the highest magnitude with the fifth dimension. Nothing pleases our Father more than to have the fifth dimension interact on the third dimension and to send starseeds like yourself upward to the fifth realm. Blessings from the Ring of Ascension. I am Sananda. Good day.
Copyright © 2011 David K. Miller