Taripypacha ~ The new era...
We are still in the Taripypacha, the new Pachakuti, the time to remember who we are. It is also the time of the world turning upside down and inside out and through this upheaval to find the balance.. for a very very long time the balance has been in favour of the masculine aspect.. the aspect of the mind.. now it is time for the feminine aspect.. the time of intuition and the heart to come into balance with the mind.. for the heart and the mind, the eagle and the condor to fly together in the same sky... we are here to bring this possibility into form.. This morning as I greet the sun I will ask Pacha Mama to guide me and show me the way into my heart and how to stay in this place, to show me the flight of the condor and the eagle!!
Deepest munay to you all. Good morning, afternoon and evening xxx