~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Predrag~
My dear Candace,
please can you have any more judgments about the only human in GOP, our beloved Ron Paul?... You are talking about 'rude awakening', yet your vision is not reaching far than your nose...
Indeed, there will be RUDE and very very UGLY awakening for those who do not want to see separation that has been created in these times... You are talking like some one who is AFRAID to be poor... I feel this is what you are calling for self and yours... What you wish for others it will be granted to YOU... in greatest abundance than you ever received till now...
Just reflect how much you shared with others... not by working for money, but simply sharing from your heart and without asking anything in return?... Not even fake thank you?... How many times you gave Anonymously and recognized this beautiful feeling of Gratitude from our Creator.... WHo see's and fells US all...
He does not judge us, yet He sends greatest feeling of love and compassion for Ones who simply share: who share what they have: is it food, money, service to others, or simple kind word, or even better: loving thought that need nothing in return?...
I can tell you from my own experience... This feeling is indescribable with common words... This feeling comes with rainbow of colours and sounds... This feeling I can only call UNCONDITIONAL LOVE...

And I wish for you too, to experience these rays of God's LOVE as soon as possible.... Because I cannot stop asking for more... and more...
And do you know what I do if I need LOVE from our FatherMotherGod?... Yes, I will tell you as this is the most guarded secret by all of these controllers of our present system:
I AM grateful for your post as it triggered me to share this secret again and again.... and even if you do not fully recognize it, or fully understand it, there will be someone in this or all other Universes to get this message.... Thank you for this great opportunity...
And start sending loving messages to Ron, Obama, Michele and all others, as this is the only way you will see uselessness of your fears to be poor... You will see that if majority of people is poor, than in time all will be poor and unawake... And you cannot be rich anyway, in any terms in the country where all are totally poor spiritually... As true riches are not of this material world... As true riches are so subtle and discreet... as True Riches have care less how many zeros you have on your accounts...
Yet, if you share what ever you have in your heart, you will realize that you are not afraid any longer... You will become FREE...
And with your newly discovered freedom, you will give others of your kind chance to see you as greatest example: "Yes, that was her, Candace... One who gave all her riches one morning to people of her community as anonymous, asking nothing in return... Yes, this is HER... Look how she glows, look her beautiful face radiating with love and beauty... I want to look bright like HER..." they will be seeing god in you, in your actions in your gentle moves... they will follow your example of pure and Unconditional Love for Humanity...
And then you will tell them secret... and then they will follow you with all their hearts fully open and giving...
And then you will care less who is your leader, Obama or Ron or both or maybe you and some other highly spiritual souls present here on Gaia...
Give yourself this simple chance to share this secret with others ... but only through example... only by your own personal example...
With Love and nothing more, I AM THAT I AM Predrag