The Sacred Covenant of the 13th Disciple ~ An Earth Hive Transmission

Lia's picture

Hello everyone,

On this day of the Grand Water Trine of Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces, the impossible becomes possible.  I’m absolutely giddy to be sharing with you the latest Earth Hive Transmission that breaks through the barriers of impossible and reveals the infinitely possible.  It’s posted in TheEarthHive YouTube Channel where I will be posting transmissions and teachings on living as a multi-dimensional co-creator in the Earth Hive.  The direct link to the transmission is below.

I’m in the process of moving, which is slowing down my ability to write a July Earth Hive update, but it is all in divine timing.  There are so many updates to share!  Until I can capture them, I do want to bring your attention to this Earth Hive update from last June as there is now a “physicalization” occurring within the Earth and humanity to the alignments and formations that occurred a year ago.  These are part of the Star of David design that will be sealed in with the July 29, 2013 astrological Star of David alignment.  “In the Earth Hive is the blueprint for the Mer-ka-ba, the Star of David design, that will enable us to travel the cosmic creation field of the heart. ” –New Earth Formations, June 27, 2012

The Sacred Covenant of the 13th Disciple

This Earth Hive Transmission will support you in being prepared to receive the Star of David alignment in full embodiment and to travel into your “star station” along the heart lines of the universe.  The transmission is from Friday, July 12, 2013.  It activates the 13th Disciple spirit codes, the divine feminine Christ consciousness.  The transmission is in 5 parts and was recorded live with members of the Bee Hive Collective, a conscious co-creation group.

Go to video transmission now.

Part 1: Preparation ~ Prepares your energy field and your space to connect to your 12th dimensional and beyond God, Sovereign, Free Self.

Part 2: Re-Creation of the Physical Body ~ The physical body is worked on energetically to fully come into alignment with the 13th Disciple (Ascension code for the divine feminine consciousness) code.  Light beings/elementals from 12th dimensional frequency assist us in upgrading the physical body.

Part 3: The Sacred Covenant of the 13th Disciple ~ A message of remembering our sacred agreement to carry out the mission of the 13th Disciple.  Who and what is the 13th Disciple?  Many would say that it is Mary Magdalene, who in the history books has been forgotten and invisible in the teachings of Jesus and Christ Consciousness.  In this time of shifting worlds from 3D to multi-dimensional reality, Mary Magdalene can serve as a teacher as well as many of the divine feminine icons to show us how to embody the divine feminine consciousness.  The 13th Disciple is the Feminine Christ Consciousness.  In this part of the transmission, we are guided to remember our sacred agreement to expand this feminine consciousness to Earth.

Part 4: Earth-Star Mission Activation ~ Once we are re-integrated with the 13th Disciple code in our physical body, we are ready to do the work that we came to Earth to do.  This is our Earth-Star Mission.  In this part of the transmission, we are led to our cosmic “location” that will enable us to fulfill our Earth work by creating a “link” between our Cosmic and Earth physicality.  Our body goes through another upgrade to be able to bridge these locations.

Part 5: Coming Back to Earth ~ The transmission ends with learning our passage back into Earth through the specific Star Gateways that connect to our Cosmic-Earth “station.”

Link to The Sacred Covenant of the 13th Disciple

A note on Earth Hive Transmissions:

Earth Hive Transmissions are energy transmissions, activations, and guided multi-dimensional journey’s.  In connecting to these transmissions, you will travel multi-dimensionally through the support of 12th dimensional and beyond energies, light beings and New Earth elementals.  The transmissions connect to a consciousness that follows the pattern of the Cosmic Rose, the Sacred Bee, Angelic Beings, and the Unified Heart of the One Heart Multi-Verse.

Wishing you all a heart-felt journey with beauty, grace and holy, blessed life.

Honey love,
