Sad News For The Wolves In Idaho For The Week After Christmas

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Idaho is set to become home to a brutal wolf slaughter the week after Christmas. We MUST stop this from happening.

 save wolves button

Wolf slaughter is out of control. Please make an emergency donation to Defenders of Wildlife to end the war against wolves.

Dear Carolin,

Just when we thought things could not get more despicable…

We have just learned that a “hunters’ rights organization” has scheduled a wolf-killing competition for the week after Christmas. Prizes will be awarded for such hunting objectives as killing the largest wolf and the most female coyotes.

There’s even a “youth division” prize for children as young as 10 take part in the bloodshed.

Wolf slaughter is out of control. Please make an emergency donation to Defenders of Wildlife to end the war against wolves.

Already, 154 wolves have been killed in Idaho since hunting season began on August 30. This barbaric competitive slaughter promises to raise that number even higher.

Organizers of this so-called wolf derby admit that one purpose of the event is to show the world that no one can stop them from killing wolves – not you, not me, and especially not the federal government. It’s a horrific demonstration of what happens when wolves are prematurely stripped of Endangered Species Act protection.

And it’s a horrifying preview of more slaughters to come if the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) moves forward with their proposal to delist nearly all gray wolves in the Lower 48.

Those Idaho hunters are outright wrong – America’s wolves belong to all of us. And to enlist children in the wholesale killing is beyond the pale.

Stand with us in expressing outrage and help us end the reckless killing for killing’s sake.

Thank you for all you do.


Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife

Jamie Rappaport Clark
Defenders of Wildlife

