Sal Rachele ~ So What Happened?

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Thank You to Gillian

Sal Rachele’s Jan/Feb Newsletter | January 28 2013

Greetings, Lightworkers, and welcome to the new Golden Age on Earth!

“That sounds great, but where is it?” you might be asking. In fact, what really happened on December 21st? Here is the report, as given to me by my own higher self and spirit guides.

The Earth did indeed move up in vibration to an overall consciousness of level four. The portal opened, not just for three days, but it is still open and will remain so indefinitely. We did not move through the portal, but rather, the portal is flooding the Earth with higher frequencies that are not only part of the shift of the precessional alignment, but the Galactic Shift as well. This larger shift began in 1950 and will conclude around 2100 AD. That’s the good news. Now, the not so good news.

Most of humanity was not ready for the shift. Most of the lightworkers were not ready for the shift. Most people are still not ready for the shift. That is why so much negativity is coming up in so many people. Yes, a few of us got through it without much fanfare, and some even had very positive experiences. It depends a lot on how much resistance you have to receiving the higher energies as they come pouring in.

One thing I noticed during and after the shift was just how important it really is to use discernment. For example, I found people from all walks of life having difficulty with communication. The old ways of perceiving are no longer working. Things are not as they seem. The lesson here is not to assume something without first checking it out thoroughly. Those who have not done their homework are noticing that there are consequences. We are no longer in a “grace period.” The shift is continuing and things are still accelerating. In other words, it’s time to really walk our talk.

That means being loving and accepting with ourselves, and at the same time, keeping our “feet to the fire.” In other words, now is the time to act on our commitment to working on ourselves. If we have unresolved anger, for instance, we need to confront this aspect of ourselves and get involved in some healing modalities. We need to make our healing a priority, not something to be attended to once our lives settle down a bit.

It’s a challenge, but this is what we signed up for. To be here when the going gets a bit tough. To hang in there, roll up our sleeves, and get to work on ourselves. As for Earth changes this year, yes, they will continue, and yes, there will be some storms, floods, droughts, fires, earthquakes and volcanoes, and yes, they will be greater than usual, but no, there will not be a total cataclysm. We suggest you hang on for the ride. I will have more on this during my Earth Changes updates, given periodically in places around the world, and available on my website as audio files.
