Sal Rachele ~ A Time Of Acceleration

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Sal Rachele’s August Newsletter | August 9 2012

Is there anybody out there reading this who has NOT felt accelerated? Or at the very least, challenged? This is the great time of purification, cleansing, and releasing of all pertaining to the old age of Pisces, in preparation for the more visionary energies of Aquarius. There is no better time than now to have a vision of the future, a bright future filled with loving, compassionate people living and caring for a beautiful planet that is ascending into fourth density. For those of us committed to spiritual and personal growth, there is really no other option but to embrace the higher frequencies coming in daily. Resistance causes pain, and if you are experiencing pain in any of your lower bodies, you are in resistance. The resistance may be from past lifetimes and it may be deep and subtle, or it may be from this lifetime and painfully obvious (pardon the pun). Most likely it is a little of both.


You have heard it said by many, many teachers throughout the ages, but I am going to say it again, “Let’s love ourselves unconditionally.” Especially those places that are in rebellion, or fighting the changes. Let’s include those parts of the body that seem to heal way too slowly, or that appear to be getting old, tired or stretched to the limit. We cannot forget our emotions, especially the ones that do not seem very “spiritual” such as anger and fear. What is loved, thrives, if it is real and beneficial. If it is an illusion, such as fear, it will disappear if it is truly loved, or it will become absorbed into love’s embrace. Let us resolve, today, to truly love all parts, levels and dimensions of ourselves.

