hereditary, indoctrinational conditioning of the youth, generation from generation
for thousands of years. all who were chosen to step out, have done so throughout
human history. ostrosized by majority, accepted by minority. however
the tables have turned now, and for the betterment of all. you can see it everywhere.
the healing of all is backed by the unstoppable momentum of the laws that
govern creation = all. these laws flow. "going with the flow" they are magnetic
in nature. in order to heal one must go through themselves, and all that has
ever been surpressed by the will of god, is now having its reversal process
where the surpression is no longer working.
the root energy of surpression, is not only one of complete resistance in the
here now, but is also is a fear tactic of the ego's control center, in ones
identification with their ego, they also agree with all of the ego's compulsions
to project thought unto others. for those whom are deeply engrained in their
conditioning by contract, theyre responses right now, to this kind of
information, is seen as one of complete and utter bullshit, inevitably
theyre responses are that which show theyre resistance from within
by resisting you and what you represent.
if you are in their house, they will throw you out. if you refuse to leave
you will have the authorities called on you for harassment. this is
due to them feeling persecuted so in turn, they persecute you.
there are also those who are instinctively aware of this and work
behind the scenes in awareness, and always appearing to have a positive
attitude towards those who are not consciously rooted in true love.
and there are beings who are publically known, and work both
behind the scenes, and with the public's eyes. "theres something about
them, i just cant place my finger on it." which is the being who
identifies with their conditioning's response one way or the other.
there are beings who also have no interest in self discovery, but have
more of an interest in knowing others. this is the ego once again.
its for selfish gain. taking in data for future use, like the governments
echelon computer, so if need be, they have information on you, and ironically
enough, any incriminating acts of their own, are swiftly removed from
the information banks that they have. sound familiar? ill give you a hint...
the cabal and their lawyers. surprised? remember, like energies attract
like energies, conscious or unconscious. theyre as guiltless about it
as we are.
you can call these beings psychic vampires, but really, theyre not
psychic at all, because they identify with the ego completely, and in that
all they have is what theyve written down or recorded , or simply
remembered, but they are this way by contract, just like the rest of us.
but none the less, the difference is that theyre acts are done out of
selfish gain, and ours are not. we are self centered ,not selfish.
these beings are self centered in selfishness, greed, sexual
promiscuity, perpetuation of the welfare state, homelessness and so on.
gay pride and single parents, or having loving parents, who are
in support of gay pride and promiscuity, or, their parents have
disowned them, so they went to an energetic support system that
supports their unconscious resistance, their ego's desires to perpetuate
its very selfish existence.
there are many variables, but ultimately, an ego is an ego is an ego.
and no matter how many different variations it comes in, its still an ego.
still selfish, still violent one way or the other. still seeking control
one way or the other. it will stop at nothing in attempting to succeed
in establishing hell on earth. in this lies the challenge for those of
us who are awake, and awakening to the truth. stand your ground
yield to the blow, and subue the son of a bitch ;). even if you live
in a desolate location on the planet, youre still going to have to
deal with the ego , through yourself that is. and with those whom
you come into contact with.
what it comes down to is knowing who you can and cannot talk to right now.
trusting your instincts at all costs, no matter how it looks, to keep
going. going with your soul that resides on your chest, where your
heart chakra is located , at all costs. the ego is being dissolved
and from this dissolving, there is going to be a continuance of upheaval.
there will be NO nuclear war though. we're already dealing with
oil spills, water levels altering , "Strange" weather patterns, the earth
heating up in some locations, and in others being more colder than usual.
also dealing with the plates shifting as well. if you feel its wild right now
its going to be equally as wild later on throughout the year.
its not an experience to be worried about even though the ego will worry
its not an experience to fear, even though the ego will fear it.
not one to have anxiety or panic or paranoia over, even though the ego
will certainly show these symptoms to be taking place, along with continual
attempts to control all outcomes inevitability, which are equally inevitably
unable to be controlled by the ego at all, even if it appears as though
and ego has firmly established an action, the being who went through with it
will have to face consequence for it regardless. the consequences vary.
obviously the more severe or unethical the action, equal action must
and will be taken swiftly unto the being. this includes the variations of
all unethical actions in between, down to the absolute most subtle ones.
war, and teaching others to war in ANY form that is a direct violation
of unethical behavior, IS included in this, so is unethical
treatment of animals. im a fan of playing around, but im not a fan
of literally getting my ass beaten like a ufc fighter. its SIMILIAR
to all the other "fallen" civilizations that have been established on this
planet, where this desire to watch beings fight to the death or be
sacrificed to the gods was allowed, yet if you went again them, you yourself
were killed, simply because you disagreed with them. talk about hypocrisy 101.
america, and all other nations along with us, are going to fall too.
but we will rise from the ashes of all fallen nations, and in turn
have peace fully established, and irreversably centered, not in on
and through the planet , but also in on and through every being that
makes it physically, through this.