SaLuSa -- 02:07:2013

MomT's picture

SaLuSa in Light and Love Tuesday, July 2, 2013


We are preparing ourselves for the greatest meeting of all. We are aware that you too are waiting for this moment and are ready to meet us. Some still do not believe that we exist but it is their choice and cannot be changed anyway unless they chose to do so. We are preparing to step closer to you in many ways. Most of you already know, at least in some details what your future will look like and are also preparing for the necessary changes to come into full motion these days. We are aware that you miss a lot of information regarding each aspect of your future life, but do not worry this also should change in a short time. Our plans are being completed in such a beautiful way that you would be astound if you know.
Your body changes are speeding up, by now all should feel rapid changes almost day by day and please allow them to simply transform all that needs to be transformed and do not question them. They are here to change you and prepare you for more upliftment and please surrender into them and ask your Higher Self to help you. By simply saying these words you will allow your Higher Self to be closer to you, which is so much needed in these wonderful times. Try to be happy and enjoy every single moment for this will uplift you even more, by allowing yourself being in the flow of the now. As we said so many times, all is well and changes are happening and by realizing that all of you are creators of them, should put you in a state of calmness and wonderful expectations of what all is going to happen.
We feel some are getting impatient again, but by now you should be aware how it works, that we cannot simply appear and tell you what to do. All will come in good time and please remember that we too are excited about it and are doing all that we can to finally meet you and be your mentors and helpers in building your new society, for your future is to be joined with us in peace and harmony. Look for the news as each day so many changes are happening, even the big news channels cannot resist any longer, for the changes are also coming to them.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and we welcome you all in the new world of Love and Light which is just appearing on the horizon. Release all the doubts, we mean all the doubts that are holding you back and never think of you less than you are wonderful beings of Light that are just awakening from a long sleep, some quickly, some slowly, but all feeling the Love that is surrounding you wherever you go. Keep breathing this Love inside and feel what a beautiful feeling it creates. We love you all.

Channeller: MADAD  

Webpage: SaLuSa in Love and Light




Excuse me, is it Madad or Mada?

David Porter's picture

We all know who SaLuSa is, some stranger from afar that claims to be on our side and gonna make a landing "soon" again, right?

Just read a post here by "Adreil" folks, which ever one that is and this one says that it will be 50 to 100 years before things are settled here for the star people to land. So which one's are correct? They are too far apart to both be correct.

Here is some of the one's that have been making these promises now for how long, how many year now?? SaLuSa, AA Micheal, Raphael, Gabriel, Poofness, Zap, Sheldan Nidle and his groups of ghost, I mean unseens, Ashtar, Jelaila, SanJAsKa, Jesus/Jeshua/Sanada (the name changer guy) and Saul, Lady Portia, Nada, The Pleadian, Sirius, and other "councils" from on High the angelics and "Higher Selves." Have all said for the last how many years now? In the case of Sheldan Nidle, he's been making these claims since a child and he must be at least 60 now. To me what he's in it for is out in the open to view with clarity now.

The problem that I have with this approach is how many of us that it continues to pump up then let down. I know good and well that it's not their job to save or rescue us as we are each and everyone of us GOD as this term has been widely used. More accurately, Divine Mind/Universal Intelligence. We are welcome to tap into as much of This Creation Power as we wish or know how to.

So it's not "their" job, no, but the one's that are actually from more advance societies than we, why on 3D linear time Earth would they consistently over years and many, many times miss lead us with either BS or simply information that is inaccurate. And of course only "Big Daddy" knows the when, right?

Who is it that has fed us full of lies for our entire visit and or visits to Earth now? Who is good at it? So good that they convince us that it's good for us, have another one. Here take a vaccine, buy  more groceries, see you at the six o'clock news special broadcast, thou shalt not kill unless we induct you in our military, then it's fine and an order. Who has manipulated us through all forms of Earth life? Religions dumped on us, educational systems made mandatory, corps, medical, drugs (legal and ill-legal), "leaders" of all sorts to control us, media. CABAL.

And yesterday Montague Keen said "again" that the cable is on their last leg. He has said this enough times now to make one believe that the cabal is like the thousand-legger bug, and they just keep re-growing back on. the cabal if you've not noticed is still in complete and total charge of this entire planet.

These false promises by who ever these ones are, are beginning to piss me off! THEY DON'T NEED TO SAY, "SOON" "SHORTLY" "IMMANENT" OR JUST UP AHEAD when they either don't know or know that it will be in our "linear time" a loooooooooooooooong way down our road. Looooooooooooooong meaning in liner time 100 years. "Shortly" on the other hand of time, would be more at a week or two, maybe three. Not years.

It is for you to discern which of these are legit, which are implants by cabal, which are in it for prestige or money, and or which are simply full of hot air???

I know good and well that there are many out there that want to know the truth, the whole truth and it to be made clear to them because they keep asking me. So I say to the bloggers that if you are not God in full waking consciousness therefore know "when" then simply leave that part out of your message or look forward to my edit of you to the readers of all the popular metaphysical sites as my comments will continue until the ones that I comment to stop lying to us, miss leading and miss representing.

May the "Real" Masters continue to provide us with the valid and powerful truth of what I have read now for a very long time and appreciate so very much Your guidance and support. And may You Ones assist us in our discernment of truth when we read it?



David Porter

Author of the series


You forgot Greg Giles, David

TheFlashRon's picture

Remember Greg? He became overtly pro-Lucifer near the end of his channeling career. Please don't slam the door on the truth in your rush to expose the deceivers.

Blessings, All