SaLuSa 05 September 2014

luisa vasconcellos's picture


SaLuSa  5 September 2014 
The stage has been set inasmuch that you are being lifted up into the levels of the higher vibrations. We will not allow progress to be prevented by the presence of the dark Ones, who still believe that they can inherit the Earth through huge advances in their technology. There are even greater powers at work that will ensure the Light always reigns supreme. The plan was laid down a very long time ago, and it is now time to advance it so that Man can step fully upon the path that leads to fulfilment. So you can disregard any signs to the contrary, and know that the new Earth is emerging. With it will come all manner of Galactic changes that shall carry you forward into the Golden Age you have been promised. You have long awaited this time and you have been chosen to be the forerunners of the New Age. Deep down you know it to be true and as the vibrations continue to lift, so your levels of consciousness will also expand. A particle of God exists in all living matter, and as such you will always inexplicably be part of God. Nothing that exists can avoid being ultimately returned to the Godhead, because you Are All One.
Proceed with your own development knowing that your journey is nearly at an end. If you did but know it you have had an exciting journey, with all the ups and downs that come with life in the 3rd. dimension. You started out as a higher Being seeking more experience, and have touched the depths of a material existence. You are now well advanced on your journey back into the Light as you leave the lower vibrations behind. The higher dimensions beckon and you approach them as a far greater Being of Light than when you first started out. You have evolved at a rapid rate that ensures you are ready to commence the next stage in your evolution fully prepared. When your journey commenced eons of time ago, you knew it would be long and arduous yet were ready for whatever experience you needed. In the near future you will regain full consciousness and fully understand the necessity for your various experiences. Once more you will be whole to never again need such demanding experiences.