SaLuSa 1 May 2015
We are keenly following your progress as you get nearer and nearer to the first positive signs that will indicate that the New Age has begun. By now you should have a good idea of what to expect and you will not be disappointed. Most of you have had many lives in this cycle both as Man or Woman, and hopefully you will find a balance between the two. There will come a time when you will not be concerned with gender as you are at present. In your dimension whether you are male or female tends to dictate where your place is in your society, and your roles are clearly defined. Yet as you rise up the differences between you will largely disappear, but the feminine and male energies will remain.
For the meantime you should keep an open mind because as time passes you will be made aware of many new innovations, and be able to discard that which will no longer serve you. You are to become Beings of a much higher vibration with a greater level of consciousness that will carry you into new realms of beauty, and complete happiness. The dark days that you are still experiencing will gradually disappear and a joyful time of celebration awaits you. We can look ahead and tell you for certainty that the welcome changes are much nearer than you might imagine. Many of your younger people are here to play key roles as the changes take place. They are often of a higher vibration and have volunteered to be part of your introduction to the New Age. Some of you who are from the older generations have helped prepare the way, and we owe you much gratitude for sticking to your task when at times you lacked encouragement. As time progresses many souls will be called upon to contribute their knowledge, and a great expansion will take place.