SaLuSa 10 October 2014's picture


SaLuSa  10 October 2014
We are as ever closely following your progress and pleased to note that so many of you are fully engaged in preparing yourselves for the continuing rise in vibrations that are carrying you into the higher levels. As we have previously informed you, because you are raising your vibrations at a rate that will carry you forwards to the point of Ascension into the next level, it need not be seen as a separate happening. You are flowing with the increases in vibration, and slowly but surely you are creating a crystalline based body with all of the advantages that come with it. You will ascend by your own efforts and dedication to bring harmony and balance to yourself. Clearly not every soul is capable of achieving such a level, but all will eventually find their ideal and perfect level. Already many of you are in total control of what is taking place where you are concerned. We encourage you to stay completely focussed on your goal at such an important time, and do not link your energy with anything that is of a lesser vibration.
There is always a risk that you will be pulled into other peoples affairs, which is alright as long as you keep yourself centred at all times. You can be a peace maker without getting personally involved in other people’s issues. You can still be a healer if that is your desire, but remember to close your aura at the end of a session. I am sure that you need little reminding of these precautions, but there is a need to be fully aware of any risk to yourself. Self-healing will continue but as time passes it will become less and less necessary. You will find that your body will “rejuvenate” itself in the course of time, and indeed we know that some of you already feel that your bodies are becoming more in balance regardless of your age. So you see that you are entering a period of notable changes that will also affect souls who are otherwise unaware of them. Ultimately all souls will find the right level that is necessary for them to carry on progressing and evolving.