SaLuSa 12 December 2014
What exciting prospects lie ahead because you can rightly look forward to some revealing times, and positive indications that the long awaited changes are coming to fruition. We appreciate the reasons for your caution, and feel sure that given time you will have no doubt that you are leaving the old Age cycle behind. It has run its course and there is no way back for those of the dark forces who have supported it. Naturally there will still be obstacles to overcome, but their ability to maintain it has been sorely diminished. You can expect them to try and prevent the news becoming widespread, but it is of such importance that we will not allow it to be stopped or interfered with. There may be minor problems, but you may be assured that a wonderful future is assured.
The time selected for the announcement has obviously been chosen with the holiday period in mind, so that as many people as possible can be reached. Families can gather together and discuss the implications of the coming Cities of Light. It should bring about a great upliftment in people's hopes and faith in the future. Your experiences have been closely followed since the beginning of the cycle some 26,500 years ago. You have been guided to follow a path that would give you the needed experiences to hasten your evolution, and also opportunities to rise up above the lower energies. The end times were always subject to your choice of which direction to go in and we are pleased that sufficient souls of the Light have been successful. They may not have been a majority, but their ability to bring the Light through has been sufficient to overcome the dark energies that would have destroyed them and taken full control.