SaLuSa 13 March 2015
A whole series of changes lay ahead of you now that the dark Ones plans have been thwarted. They can no longer dictate the course of Humanities future, and can only concede their position to the Light. It has meant that progress can now more or less proceed unheeded or impeded, and activities can be more open and made known to you. There is much to do and our plans are to produce results as soon as possible. Hitherto we have had to be guarded where our they were concerned, but now we can let you know without any great fear. You will also see more of our craft openly moving through your skies, where previously we have mainly kept our cloaks of invisibility on to avoid any confrontation with your craft. We now await recognition from your political leaders but know that many are scared to be revealed for what they really are. However, in time all will be revealed and no individual will find any hiding place. The higher vibrations are no place for any lesser Beings as there comes a point when only the truth can exist. The dark Ones have had their day and in spite of all you may know about them, as with any other soul we offer them the opportunity to turn to the Light without any recriminations. They will however have a long way to go to fully recover their position in it.
As you will have undoubtedly realised, our prime desire is to see every soul fully returning to the Light, and every opportunity will be given to them. You will notice that we do not talk about punishment for wayward souls, but compassion by giving them every chance to return to the Light. No one is beyond redemption except that they refuse to accept the opportunities we give them. All of you at some stage have walked on both sides of the Light and few of you are worse off for the experiences. Indeed, you are strengthened by them and more able to help those who have followed on in your footsteps. Now you know why we have always asked you to be non-judgemental on all such occasions. You have a saying that “but by the Grace of God go I” and thereby lies a great truth, so please do not judge those who are at different stages in their evolution.