SaLuSa 14 November 2014's picture

SaLuSa 14 November 2014
Nothing will be allowed to stop the onward march of the Light until it embraces all aspects of your lives. By then the dark Ones will have been left behind, having determined their future by their previous actions. All souls will find themselves exactly where they are meant to be, both by their actions and intentions. No one can avoid the consequences of them, but mistakes will not necessarily prevent you from ascending. It is your intent that matters, and sometimes with the best of intentions you may still make mistakes. If you have made the decision to follow the Path of Light, you will be helped along the way and unless you are distracted and go astray should reach your goal. Progress is determined by your level of vibrations which at a certain point will result in your Ascension.
We continue to follow your advances into the New Age, and are closely monitoring the activities of individuals that are the dark Ones. In some ways they are at their most dangerous when they are fighting a losing battle, but we are sufficiently in control to ensure that they cannot impeded or halt progress. Your destiny is mapped out already, and before very long you will know without doubt where your future lies. Slowly but surely our representatives upon Earth are taking up positions that will ensure success. In doing so we have been able to ensure that events are going to favour those working for the Light, whilst stemming or preventing those in opposition from interfering. Such actions are permissible now that you have sufficiently advanced to clearly indicate your intentions to follow the path of Ascension.