SaLuSa 22 August 2014
Many of you have accepted that time is passing by quicker than ever, and it will continue to do so as it takes you into the higher vibrations. It is all part of the unavoidable changes that are taking place, that are necessary to bring the New Age into being. With it comes a welcome change for the population of Earth, who are being affected in such a way that they are moving into a new level where there is less negativity. This will continue until the lower vibrations can no longer exist, and peace will have settled upon Earth. There is no way that the onward progress can be halted by the dark Ones, as it has been decreed by the higher forces that control your destiny. Whilst you have freewill there are also dictates that shape your future in accordance with the Plan for Man.
Whatever impression you get as to what is taking place, bear in mind that your future has already been mapped out. Absolutely nothing can change your destiny to move out of the lower vibrations and enjoy the levels of Light that are free from them. A glorious future awaits you when you will meet your true family, and return to your Higher Self. This will take time but your perception of it is already changing as you experience the speeding up of time. It is not in fact constant which is already known by you and eventually you will enter the future where everything exists in the Now. Even now when you return to the higher levels following your transition after the “death” of your physical body, you will experience many such changes. It is a step nearer to the true reality that you have existed in between lives for millennia of time, and serves to remind you of your higher state of being.