The way ahead is going to be full of pleasant surprises, beyond what most of you have anticipated. Yet many will fulfil your present expectations based on what you have projected into the future. It is not set in stone, but will nevertheless take you into the New Age you have been preparing for. Your destiny has been decreed by the higher forces, but you have had freewill to determine the manner in which you travel that path. You have so to say done the hard bit, and now the negative forces will no longer be able to interfere with your progress as they have done in the past. Their power has already been curtailed and they no longer have the ability to do as they please.
Your aim should now be to centre your attention more upon yourself, to ensure that you do not slip back having achieved so much already. Your journey through duality has been tough and demanding, and your strength has been honed in the fires of life. Your place on Earth is almost as an onlooker as you live your life within your own energy field, largely unaffected by events occurring outside of you. Sometimes you will need to step outside, but you can return unaffected by the lower energies. Your role is to be a “glowing” example to others so that they may learn from it. They will be attracted to you and this gives you the opportunity to help them raise their vibrations. As you know, “like attracts like” and as you move further into them, a natural cleansing takes place of all the lower energies.