SaLuSa 24 October 2014's picture

SaLuSa  24 October 2014
Dear Ones, we hear the cries of those who are those who feel that they have been abandoned, and try hard to find a purpose in life. In the midst of the turmoil that is going on they are confused and unable to see a future for themselves. If only they could grasp the enormity of what is taking place they might see that major changes are underway. The New Age commenced earlier this year when the old energies started to withdraw to be replaced by the new ones coming in, meaning that for the time being they have both influenced your thinking. However, the new energies will replace the old and bring about advances and changes, that will clearly indicate the path Mankind is taking. It is realised that you are confused by events taking place, but if you stand back and take a good look at them you will see that things are changing for the better. Yes, conflicts are still taking place and peace on Earth seems miles away, yet already the futility of war is being realised. Beings with an understanding of how to bring about peaceful solutions are rising up, and their voices will be heard and taken notice of.


Try to see beyond the present unrest on Earth and know that your future is assured. Many groups from the higher levels are supporting you and using their influence to bring about peace. They cannot enforce their help upon you but are ready to do so when you respond in the right manner. When you first entered the last Age you were given the freewill choice to grow in accordance with your choice of progress. You were however always given guidance when you turned to Higher Beings for help. But often ignored it to go your own way, and consequently you set yourselves upon a path of your own choosing. In accordance with the freewill given you proceeded to grow but instead of working towards becoming one with each other, preferred to go it alone. All along you have been given guidance but in the final reckoning it is you who have decided the direction that you followed. So as you look back at Man’s history you are looking at the outcome of your choices.