SaLuSa 29 August 2014's picture


SaLuSa  29 August 2014


The more you learn about the Illuminati, the more frightening they will appear as they advance in leaps and bounds, whilst keeping your civilization in the Dark Ages. The progress you should have made has been denied you, but you will go forward quite quickly when the Illuminati have been disempowered. However, you should avoid any overreaction to such news, as they are following a path that will lead to their demise. Before that happens, you who have devoted yourselves to the Light will move ahead from them. You are destined to ascend and will in fact leave them well behind as you move into the higher vibrations to continue your evolution. You will go forward at an immense speed by which time we will have joined you. With us you will become Galactic Beings and receive immense help and assistance. We have a future together although you are not bound to any particular path, and you will choose where and when as it serves your best interests.
In essence you really are great Beings in the making, but surrounded by the lower vibrations you find it hard to break loose and follow a higher path. However, you are winning this battle whilst at the same time lifting others with you. The changes in the vibrations are being felt all around and awakening those souls who have been slumbering for a long period of time. It means that with a further upliftment in them, there will be a great awakening that will increase the levels of consciousness. It is part of the preparations that will ensure that you are well prepared for the new vibrations that are rising. We will not allow interference with your progress and you may confidently go forward knowing that you will lift up in the near future. In this part of the cycle it is our destiny to fulfil the promises made to you when it commenced eons of time ago, to guide you to fulfilment. You also have the support of the denizens of Earth, but for the time being they remain in their own levels of existence. They will join you at the appropriate time as their destiny is also tied in with yours. They have everything to offer having moved further along the path of evolution, and have given you much help most of which you are unaware. 

You are beginning to understand that many souls not only accompany you on your journey, but also play an active part in ensuring you safely complete it. The Universe is teeming with life and but for the protective barrier that encases your Earth, you would by now have openly met with many other civilizations. We also police your Solar System to keep out intruders and other Beings who are curious about your existence. In fact many still monitor your activities as your presence is attracting a lot of attention. As far as possible we have kept other Beings away from Earth, so as not to allow interference with your evolution. Those that are allowed to contact you are karmically involved with you and are largely responsible for assisting you through different stages of your experience.