SaLuSa 3 October 2014's picture
SaLuSa  3 October 2014 
Never underestimate the powers and technologies that we have to transform your Earth in a very short period, to one more fitting to you future expectations. For example, you are almost conditioned to expect some part of Earth to be involved in wars. Around you is evidence of them that have ravaged your planet for centuries, with no obvious end to the cycles of death and destruction. Peace seems just as far away as ever it was and Man continues to waste the resources of Earth, whilst millions of your civilisation live in squalor and near starvation. Yet for all that we can bring an instant stop to war, but there has to be an acceptance of meaningful peace and intent to become as One where your future is concerned. Sometimes the only way to progress and achieve peace together, cannot come about until as a civilization you recognize the Oneness of the Human Race. Looking at your history you are slow to learn but as you say “you are getting there”.
At some point in the near future it will transpire that because you have made sufficient spiritual progress, that it is time to allow such souls to surge forward without the hindrance of those who still lag behind. It is in no way discriminating against them but allowing those who are ready to progress to the higher vibrations, without being delayed by those who are not. After all it is inevitable that those who are not ready to move into the higher vibrations, will have their own path to follow to continue their evolution. The new cycle has begun and slowly but surely all remnants of the earlier one will disappear, to be replaced by a more updated version that has been born of the Light. There will be no place for the lower vibrations that could not in any event exist within it, and all thought levels will be based on Light and Love.