We sense the frustration that you feel at the continuing troubles in the Middle East. However, be assured that we are doing as much as we are allowed to, and have prevented the escalation of the war that is taking place. People ask why we do not step in and stop it, but that would be interfering with the karmic path that has been set in place.Until lessons are learnt we can only try to limit the loss of life and damage that is taking place. Your whole experience in this cycle has been intended to help you rise above the darkness, so that you in turn can help others. In that respect you have been extremely successful, and more souls are now awakening to the new vibrations. This is important if they are to overcome the darkness and move into the Light. Many are now able to expand their consciousness and starting to become aware of the reason behind the changes taking place.
SaLuSa 6 February 2015
Turmoil continues upon your Earth, yet at the same time the Light is continuing to increase adding strength to those who are spreading the Light. We cannot yet predict when it will become the dominant force, but that time is fast approaching. With the ever increasing levels of Light there can be no other outcome, and it is noticeable that more people than ever are ready to actively show their support for the Light Workers. As time progresses there will be a coming together of many more people, and their work will help to hasten the true beginning of Ascension. We encourage you to remain safely within your Light, and to not get directly involved in vendettas against the dark Ones. They will meet an end dictated by their actions against Humanity over Millennia of time. They have set the path in motion that leads to their demise, and an end to their actions against those of the Light.