SaLuSa 7 November 2014
There are many things happening within the levels of authority that control your day to day lives, and these are changes that are largely brought about by the ever changing vibrations. They are eventually going to lift you out of the lower ones that are no longer appropriate for the New Age that has now commenced. They must change or disappear from your level of existence that is experiencing a cleansing of all that is of the old energies. It brings about many changes and also confusion for those who are unaware of what the future holds. On the one hand it would appear that all is collapsing, but on the other hand it reveals the cleansing that is taking place. You have entered a new period in your evolution and the old ways will have to give way to the new. Before long it will become apparent that there is a plan taking shape, that will lead you into the New Age in such a way that there will be no mistaking what is taking place.
We of the Galactic Command will come more into prominence until we can make ourselves known to you all. Before that can happen we will have assisted you to bring into being various changes, including NESARA which will as you might say, be the icing on the cake. We are fully ready to play our part, and look forward to helping you with the necessary changes that will truly bring about the predicted benefits of the New Age. Then you will learn of your true background and how you have been manipulated by the dark Ones for millennia of time. You have been held in a time warp and denied the advancements that have been used by them for their own power and control. However, they no longer have the degree of control that they reached, and it is slowly diminishing from their grasp. There will be no way back for them and they have brought about their own demise.