SaLuSa 8 May 2015
We are pleased that people are beginning to accept that the changes are really starting to take place. Patience is of course required as the first event will not take place until the right time, and only after it has been firmly established and those involved are absolutely prepared. It has taken time to reach this point as the arrangements require the co-operation of many countries. All is proceeding well and when we tell you that the change will come soon, it is an indication of how far the plan has evolved. Naturally the cleansing will still be taking place but once the major issues have been cleared, it will quickly move into the background. Other changes that will follow on are also developing and once it all commences, it will be a series of changes that you will welcome. Once you fully learn of what is in store for you, we feel that you will agree that the wait will have been well worthwhile. Be assured that nothing can prevent the future from materializing as you have been told.
One sure sign of the changes is the way in which you are still experiencing the speeding up of time. When you look around you it is plain to see that Mother Nature is also on the move. Perhaps the most noticeable changes are the melting of the ice caps as the temperature of the sea warms up, and gradual changes in your seasons that are not so well defined as they used to be. All of such changes are leading you to a new and wondrous period that will truly establish the New Age. Some of you cannot imagine how they can bring them about in short time, but remember that we have the advantage of technologies that you are not even aware of yet. All of the changes will quickly materialize, and put in place the building blocks that will establish all that is necessary to fulfil our promises.
Meantime your presence on Earth will help bring some measure of peace, as your Light is more powerful than you imagine. Indeed many of you who have awakened are serving out your life contract to bring it into being. You are the forerunners of the New Age and awakened to your tasks to establish they Light upon Earth. We are proud to be part of it, and are always following your progress to ensure that you can operate without interference. You have prepared for this time for many lives, and we have complete confidence in your abilities and dedication to your tasks. Presently there are a number of Governments that are due to be changed. Obviously the New Age cannot truly commence until the right people that represent you are in place. The plan to bring about such changes is already in place, and like many others is waiting for the right opportunity to commence. So although you are not yet in possession of the details, we are ready to go into action when given the authority to proceed.