. SaLuSa to Me ~ 27 Oct 2011 ~ Inner Return Movement Will Help You Be in The Here and Now

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Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. I think you would like to give us an update today.

SaLuSa to Me ~ 27 Oct 2011 ~ Inner Return Movement Will Help You Be in The Here and Now


SaLuSa: yes indeed. You are coming to the end of a cycle. As such these can sometimes be emotional times. Many of you find yourself having to make difficult choices. You find yourself divided, at this moment in time, between continuing your life the way you have always known it, and evolving to your full potential. The material world you are living in is a reflection of the higher dimensions. There are many laws of creation at play here; the important thing to grasp now is the knowledge that the dimensions are closely intertwined. In a similar way, everything taking place on Mother Earth is also intertwined. There is nothing that can exist on its own. You are all part of a much bigger picture, dear friends.
Your true nature is made of pure love and knowledge. The composition of your higher bodies is entirely different from the makeup of your physical three dimensional bodies. What we feel would be the best course of action for you at this stage is for you to allow your higher-self direct your daily life. This refined energy can penetrate into your body through your breath and inhabit your physical bodies. It is important at this stage that you are consciously aware of this ethereal part of yourself and live in accordance to its light. This higher energy is always one breath away. When you will be able to acknowledge its existence every minute of your life, when you will be able to allow it guide your every movement, then your every thought, you will have a very different vision of the world that surrounds you, dear friends.
This refined higher-self is made of God spark energy. We often use the image of your light body. In ancient times, your ancestors used to refer to it as a body made of gold. The entire research in Alchemy was dedicated to this God Spark higher energy. It concerns the transformation of coarse matter into refined golden precious ethereal matter. It may be interesting for you to ponder over this during the coming days. This is what Ascension is about. You are transforming your lower denser cells into highly energy charged atoms. This transformation can only take place with your conscious work. Your consciousness is the only catalyst required for this metamorphosis. Breathing while bringing your attention to your breath, to the movements of your diaphragm while the automatic breathing process takes place, will speed up your efforts. This is all that is needed of you at this time.
When you find yourself in the presence of your higher-self, you will feel a sense of complete bliss. You will find that you are where you should be now. In order to allow this finer energy inside of you, you are encouraged to be at peace of heart. This is why we insist on the importance of self – love, but also of love for others in your life. When in contact with your higher energy life, you will be able to step back from your daily concerns. Your body will be able to relax, as your emotions are finding peace and acceptance. This is what is meant when we talk about being in a different place inside of you. The direction we give you is to be connected to your back and to your spine. This will allow you to step back from the world you live in. This is a world ruled by actions and reactions. This inner movement will help you be in the here and now. It will also help you to let go of pain and hut. Sensation and awareness of your entire body will be available to you then. What a wonderful adventure is ahead of you dear ones.
Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. I would like if you could give a message for our translator team. They are doing a tremendous work.
SaLuSa: Yes, they are doing an incredible work for humanity. Their work has a tremendous value to us all. The fact that our messages can be read in many countries is of great benefit. Our family of light knows no border, no separation. It makes sense to share our message on a wide scale, since we all originate from various parts of the Universe. Our intention is to uplift as many of you as we can. There are so many people in need for love and hope. The channelled message is a nice way for us to bring a sense of hope and comfort. We also pass on information to you, as the media is controlled by the cabal and their interests are not the same as yours.
I thank all our translator team with all my being. You often work unconditionally and we try to bring you light while you are doing your work for us. We do know that some of you are met with very challenging circumstances in your private life, and some of you live in areas exposed to Mother Earth’s movements. We have no desire to overwork you, and would like to see you put yourselves first. We also know that you are very awake lightworkers and we do enjoy your network of love, support and friendship. It is beautiful to see so many wills at work. You offer your gift of pure, untainted love without any expectation in return. Your hearts are kind and loving. You have also volunteered for this work for humanity at this time. This is why you need no other reward than getting your work done well.
There will come a time when we will all meet in person, and I wait for this day. The nature of our relationship will change as soon as Disclosure happens. You will then be involved in helping spread out information about us, about our space craft, and will often be a liaison between your own countries and us. Your knowledge of various languages and cultures on Earth will be very much appreciated in the coming months. As soon as we will be able to decloak and engage actively with all of you, we will be in direct contact. For now, we ask you to extend your love and patience towards us and towards the rest of humanity.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and hope that our messages are an effective support for you during this transition. We will continue to broadcast through our channels until we can have a voice on your television sets and on your internet. For now, such a direct interference is not allowed by the Higher Hierarchy.
Thank you
