SaLuSa to Me ~ TAUK Personal Message from SaLuSa 23 Jan 2012

SaLuSa: Good afternoon, Laura. What is on your mind today, dear friend?
Laura: hum.. well, I wonder about energy low, I feel rather tired today. Do I waste energy somehow?
SaLuSa: The human condition is an interesting subject to discuss. Shall I say that energy is transformed throughout your bodies during the day. Yes indeed, there is such a thing as energy waste. One can waste much energy in inner consideration. For example, “what would have happened if I had chosen to go on holidays in such a place, rather than this place…” or “why was this person short tempered with me?”
Emotions can be a terrible distraction for humans, and negative emotions can be quite harmful. On one hand suppressing negative emotions towards a situation or somebody will act on one’s subconscious and it is quite dangerous not to deal with these emotions and deny their existence, as these can resurface at any moment and in any situation. Needless to say that most of the time one can direct frustration or anger towards the wrong person at the wrong time.
On the other hand, expressing one’s anger with someone or with what appears to be faith leads to a serious leak of energy and focusing your attention towards negative issues, will only attract more negativity. It can literally never end, and entire life times can be wasted in anger, and negativity.
Laura: I can understand what you mean, so what is the solution I wonder?
SaLuSa: The solution, is rather simple on a theoretical level, however it is rather difficult to practise, as you are well aware of. How does one remain centred throughout one’s day? How does one replenish one’s energy supplies? How can one try to remain calm and fair in all situations? It is so easy for your human experience to become attached to your human identity, to your negative emotions, to sink into the pre programmed software sub routines within your ego’s mind.
These attitudes are showing to you all that there is a lack of inner connection, a lack of grounding and of love for your fellow humans. Compassion for others begins with compassion for oneself, dear friend. See yourself in your daily life, and by seeing yourself, I mean see yourself from above. Allow your over soul to be present and guide you in your daily life. You have chosen yourselves the level of difficulty for this life, you have chosen what aspect of your essence to work on, what aspects of your soul needs strengthening.
Face the challenges you have set for yourself, knowing that only what you can deal with was taken on. Also know that the law of karma has many secrets and it comes back into your life when one expects it the least. Once one feels comfortable and settled into one’s life, inner sleep will settle in. Inner sleep is not something desired when one’s aim in life is to awaken. So karma is in fact your greatest ally with the awakening objective in mind, for it will prevent you from sleeping, dear one.
Much energy is trapped in the human body, and it can be released into outbursts of anger or wasted on constant day dreaming for instance. When the body is excessively tired, it is very easy to feel lack of energy supply to your higher brain functions and to your higher emotional centres, or superior chakras, if you like in other terms. Energy blockages translate as thick body armour, ready for a fight. No need to spend time in anticipating great fear and great disappointments. Just be. Be present, in every moment, inside your body, inside your mind.
Allow others to follow their own path, as your path is very different from that of many others. You have been provided with much help for this life, at many levels from your birth on this planet. Know for now that such help is very rarely granted, in fact one soul can have thousands of lives, without half of the help you have been granted as a child alone.
You are having the experiences you chose to have, during your life plan indeed, like all other souls present at this time. The difference in part is that you experience your life from a different place than many others, and with this comes the possibility for great achievements, but also much danger from outside. It is now vital for you to be wise with those who you allow into your life. Once again, your path is very different from the path of those who surround you, you have access to much more knowledge, guidance than your fellow humans, never forget that and never forget to show those on a different path the greatest love and respect.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that we have never left your presence throughout those past difficult 3 weeks. Your holiday break was far from being what you had hoped for, and now, you are back to commuting, and studying. This will allow you now for a return to your routine and balance. Our communications will resume on a regular basis and know that the changes you have been going through have been a necessary step into 2012. You will see, dear one. Be grateful to your friends and to your apparent enemies, for those who attack you are helping awake. You now need to return to your balanced state and life style, your path has always been to walk alone, to have the higher planes as your soul guides and friends. We are here at all times, loving you, as well as all humanity.
Thank you, SaLuSa
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