Sananda on the Ascension Process ~ Part 1
I mentioned in Ellie’s update that I’d been reading Eric Klein’s 1990 book on Ascension called The Crystal Stair. I wanted to offer some passages of material attributed to Sananda to give us yet another historical view of how Ascension has been discussed for quite some time.
I’ve said earlier that Imperator, Beinsa Douno, Silver Birch and others were discussing it back in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries. I’m sure there are many more who were as well. A 1990 discussion is almost current, but still twenty years back. But most of what Sananda says is almost identical to what’s being said now; a few things are not. Let’s listen in on some of the things he says.
I am Sananda, here to introduce you to a great adventure in your lives. I might say, to re-introduce you to something you have known on some level of yourselves for a very long time. We will be introducing you to the Ascension process this evening. …
These times are quite extraordinary. What is occurring now has not occurred on this world before. It is a transformation. There is an incredible amount of growth available. The opportunity to take a quantum leap into higer consciousness is now here for you. …
What is Ascension? It is a great leap of experience on every level of your being. In general, you could say it is a leap from third dimensional reality into a fifth dimensional or higher state of consciousness. Third dimensional reality being what you see and hear and taste and experience with your senses, all that appears to be solid or having this dimensionality of solidness. I would like to include in this definition, though they are more fourth-dimensional manifestations, thoughts and ideas, emotions, etc. All of which is existing in this planetary realm.
You might say that the fifth dimension or higher, the ascended state, is a state of increased frequency of vibration. It is as if you have a prism and you shine white lightthrough the prism, breaking it into many various colors, various wavelengths of light. You could say that the third dimensional existence as you know it relates to that visible spectrum of light that you can see with your eyes, from the violet through the other colors. Ascension is a matter of going beyond this limited spectrum of experience.
The nature of the universe does not change so much. The laws of physics do not change so much. But you expand and increase youyr frequency of vibrations and your consciousness to a point where you can see those colors and move into those realms that are now invisible to you. …
Another difference between an ascended being and yourselves is that we have a one hundred percent mental capacity fully operating in our consciousness. And you have much less. I would say you use only ten to fifteen percent. Maybe I will give some of you the benefit of the doubt and say that you have used up to twenty percent. Congratulations! But you see, there is a great deal more for you to be aware of, a great deal more for you to experrience. And it is very enjoyable to do so, It is very blissful and peaxceful to be surrounded by this loving presence of the Father continually, to feel at one with the Creator.
So an ascended being is one who has made that leap, who has at least attained to the level of awareness of the fifth dimension, who has gone beyond birth and death, who has attained that state of immortality wherein consciousness will no longer be broken by the sleep you know as death. Neither is there aging.
You have seen pictures of Ascended Masters and they look the same pretty much all of the time. If you have seen photographs of me, there are a few in existence, I have not changed much in 2,000 byears or for even longer than that. So again an aspect of Ascension is that you will be free of birth and death. You will be free of all the limitations of third dimensional reality.
(To be continued.)