~Sananda on the Ascension Process ~ Part 2~
I continue with some passages of material attributed to Sananda from Eric Klein’s The Crystal Stair (1990) to give us yet another historical view of how Ascension has been discussed for quite some time.
I’ve said earlier that Imperator, Beinsa Douno, Silver Birch and others were discussing it back in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries. I’m sure there are many more who were as well. A 1990 discussion is almost current, but still twenty years back. But most of what Sananda says is almost identical to what’s being said now; a few things are not. Let’s listen in on more of the things he says.
(Continued from Part 1.)
This transformation is not something that is intended to be selective for a very few individuals. It is something which is now occurring on a planetary scale. It is something that is going to be available to all human beings in this lifetime, in a very short time.
You are hearing about it. You are in the first wave of those who have heard about it, of those who are interested. So this is not something that is an option. For you, on the timing is optional. … I am telling you something that is going to occur and is going to happen one way or the other. And it is for you to align yourselves and to open to the transformation if you wish to be among the first to take that leap of consciousness.
So why are you the first? Why are there so few who are ready to hear about this at this time [1990]? Why are you so different, you might ask? … Why are your hearts a little bit more open to this possibility? It is because you have somewhat higher origins [i.e., come from a higher density originally.]
Those of you who are in this room with me now are what I would classify as Light Workers or Starseeds. You are, believe it or not, very evolved beings [Steve: with a veil or blinkers on]. You are very beautiful and courageous beings. You are among those who chose to leave the ascended state, to come here, to take third dimensional incarnations many thousands of years ago in order that you might assist humanity, in order that you might assist in the transformation of this planet.
It is time for you to realize your origins to some extent, and to begin to appreciate yourselves for who you are beyond your minds and personalities, beyond your limited concepts of yourselves. This is why you are among the first to hear this.This is why you are awake to this possibility.
Many have heard these descriptions of the Ascension and for some reason they do not awaken to that. For some reason they are somewhat sleepy or disbelieving. Their time will come. Now it is your time. So part of what we will be working on together in this series of classes, for those of you who choose to continue onwards, is the unveiling your own higher selves, the increased awareness of who you really are beyond your personalities and individual life experiences.
You will begin to experience an expansion of your self-concept. You will begin to feel a great deal more of your true presence, your higher self, as we do our best to connect you more strongly with that aspect of yourself. We are going to work on integrating you with that higher self so that you do not feel disempowered or helpless or lost here in this third dimensional quagmire you call “planet Earth experience.”
(To be continued.)