Sananda's Eagles - America and Health Insurance

notmindcontrol's picture

Due to the non-causal reality currently existing, it is deemed inappropriate that those suffering ill health are unable to afford this. This further induces stress to already stressed indviduals and does not assist Gaia at all. 


Interim measures shall prevail that health care is affordable to all, and shall be free shortly to all.  AS the healthcare industry operates against Galactic Law, I impose, any words, thoughts, deeds, vows and contracts that exist against the highest good of all shall be frozen.


Free will is denied that go against this command.


Medicare shall extend its coverage accordingly.


The financial basis of the Healthcare system is built upon corruption and all energies pertienent to this again shall be frozen.


Gaia's healthcare is free from God.  Therefore so shall all experience this until all dis-ease is eradicated.


Homelessness Poverty and Hunger must also be attended to immediately, relevant to Healthcare. 


And so it is.










