Beloved Light Tribe, the moment of revelation has presented. Gaia is taking off the mask to reveal her 4D shift in early 2014. Awakened or not, here she comes. At long last, mass awakening is about to begin.
The photonic light waves penetrating the planet will continue to increase in intensity. By the end of December, the Ascending to 5D tribe will experience deep shifts in consciousness, with major amplifications from January through March equinox. These are unique to your level of light and willingness to engage with the unknown.
The unawakened collective will (finally) see unusual changes – and start questioning their reality. I sense most will be distracted by Earth changes or personal phenomena before they realize Unity is the goal of this evolutionary passage, however great waves of awakening are expected in early 2014.
Mass Awakening to Light
Photonic evolution targets our perception, dissolving the self-imposed veils. At this juncture, Unity is best served by collective experience. It is up to the Ascending collective to demonstrate that the Shift is about Love, Compassion and Oneness.
Wayshowers, we must focus on Love. Heightened emotional states triggered in the collective will require balance on our part. Hold and radiate LOVE to all life on this planet. Be gentle, kind and patient. Be a pure conduit of Source Light Intelligence; generate a flow of Light from the God spark within. Keep the Heart center open and flowing through the internal Source-Point as the external aligns with the highest interests of all concerned.
Magnetic Harmony
Magnetic balancing is busy during this passage. Sensitives may feel it in the body as vertigo, dizziness or nausea. Gaia experiences shifts in her plates and grid systems, and the elementals respond with weather intended to balance. Multiple magnetic balancing points were created by many light teams throughout 2012-2013. They provide options for erratic electro-magnetic flows; multiple points for magnetic surges to gravitate to, rather than a limited choice of North and South poles. The sacred sites, vortexes, and portals on the surface of the planet will assist in directing the new light to these new magnetic balancing points. Some sites are already serving as balancing points themselves.
The intention with this system – and many other systems which were implemented for this passage – is to provide as smooth a journey as possible for Gaia, HUmanity and the Kingdoms. While it would be beautiful to sail through the photon belt without Earth changes altogether, shifts must occur. They may appear dramatic to those unaware of these compassionate efforts.
Weep with Joy, Dear Light Tribe
As powerful as the last three months have been for the Ascension tribe, we are in for a whole lot more. Accelerations of this magnitude take conscious choice from moment to moment. Beyond being present, be Presence. The grace and power of your true self is being revealed; integrate it as it presents for you. True integration means a permanent change.
Denial of the truth is no longer tolerated on both personal and planetary levels. Don’t let your lower levels torture you if they cling to what was; surrender to who you truly are as it is revealed. Expansion of consciousness can get overwhelming as these new levels of light turn up the volume. Breathe, know all is well, find the love (not the drama) in these upgrades.
One-way Departure
The Ascending tribe is experiencing deep revelations, dimensional bleed-through phenomena, profound stillness and sensations of departure. Remember this is a permanent departure from the past. The Collective intuition senses that the 3D platform is no longer there, which triggers stability issues. Keep the personal and collective psychological affects in balance by breathing in acceptance of change, staying open to the flow of the Shift and focusing on heart intelligence. This light can be overwhelming; simplify wherever you can.
The December – March Shift will be brilliant and challenging. Remain calm and centered in your Heart-stream. Anchor love, peace and compassion with every conversation, every action, every thought. Let us unite as shining examples of what Ascension is all about. Guide everyone around you to the Light by demonstrating how beautiful it is to embody the highest Love.