SAUL - The sense of excitement mounts - 09/25/2011

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Humanity is on course and on schedule for its great awakening. All over the world excited anticipation is building and intensifying, yet many have no idea why they are experiencing these feelings, especially as the main media are constantly reporting only bad news on so many fronts. It seems to make no sense, yet still the sense of excitement mounts. And it will continue to do so because an event of unprecedented importance and magnitude is to occur, and the energy waves preceding it are already being widely felt.

So many of you have been praying and hoping for this moment whilst holding your light high and determinedly setting the intent to bring it into effect. Your efforts have been quite remarkable and stunningly effective, as you will soon understand when all falls into place exactly as planned.

God’s plan for humanity is magnificent, encompassing, as it does, all the knowledge and the prophecies that have been presented to you over the eons, and bringing them together in a synergistic whole – your awakening into full consciousness. Throughout the eons of your earthly existence, individuals among you have received and shared information and forecasts about this time period, and during recent decades this flow of information has become so widespread that very few on Earth can honestly claim that they are totally unaware of it. They may have chosen to deny, discount, or disparage it, but claiming total ignorance of the forecasts of the event that lies just ahead is unrealistic – like the illusion.

This reluctance to look beyond what can be sensed and interpreted by your physical bodies themselves, or with the tools that you use to assist them, is one of the more unfortunate aspects of the illusion, because it closes off vast areas of knowledge and information that would otherwise be available to humanity in its search for life’s meaning. Nevertheless, God’s plan to awaken His beloved children cannot be in any way disrupted, interfered with, or delayed by this choice a few have made to block their awareness of Him and of His infinite Love for them. However, their choice to remain unaware will be honored as the awakening occurs all around them. When they are ready to change their minds, all the assistance they could possibly need to bring them to wakefulness will be provided, and they too will awaken into the wondrous joy that is Reality.

The energy waves preceding your awakening are continuously strengthening and intensifying as that moment draws closer. None who live in the hope and expectation of experiencing the Love in which their Father has enfolded them will in any way be dissatisfied, disappointed, or dismayed. The wonder of wakefulness will dissolve the illusion, along with the disharmony, confusion, and chaos with which it has seemed to blight all your efforts to remember Him and the Reality that you share with Him, always.

As you awaken, the Oneness of God’s divine creation will shine most brilliantly upon you, showing you the infinitely vast and beautiful environment from which you had been hiding by taking refuge in your nightmares; and all those whom you have always known and loved will surround you, welcoming you back to the land of the living! In truth, life in the illusion could hardly be called life at all, for it has been bare subsistence backed by the constant hope, growing recently to certainty, that you would one day return to your divine Home. And that is about to happen, as termination point for the illusion – the moment of awakening – approaches, to usher in unbridled exaltation.

With so very much love, Saul.