~A tremendous onslaught of gentleness and kindness~
01~18~2012 Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman~Saul
The way that humans experience life is due to change dramatically for the better in the very near future. For eons, conflict, distrust, and betrayal have been the standard modes of behavior for the vast majority of those living on Planet Earth, and for that majority it is almost impossible to conceive of any other way because it appears to be standard and normal, and to actually trust anyone would seem to invite betrayal and would therefore be insane. Instead of trusting, you invest in defense, believing that that is the most effective way to ensure your safety, and from there you come to the next logical conclusion, namely, that the best form of defense is attack. Wars are started and suffering is your constant companion.
Guides and teachers have been constantly pointing out to you the fallacy of this belief system for a very long time. Now, at last, their wisdom is being heard and understood by enough of you to enable great changes in the ways that you interact and communicate with each other – whether within families or nation to nation – to be put into operation for the benefit of all on the planet. These changes are part of the divine plan that is leading you forwards towards the moment of your awakening into your natural and fully-conscious state, and they have reached a momentum that is unstoppable and irreversible.
Many of you, when you read this, may say: “Yes, we have heard all this before, so show us the proof.” Well, the proof is all around you if you would make the choice to see it instead of focusing so much of your attention on the problems across the world. These are far outnumbered by the numerous instances of loving behavior that are demonstrating the enormous power that love has to bring about change of a most dramatic nature. Also, because of where so many are focusing their attention and thus allowing themselves to be distracted from the task at hand – spreading the Light, the Love, and the Trust – constant reminders are necessary. Furthermore, the conflicts and problems worldwide that appear so alarming and insoluble are in fact the dying remnants of a system that has incontrovertibly proved that it can never achieve the peace, stability, and abundance for all that it ‘claims’ are its aims.
Change is in the air, and only those who are totally in denial can pretend to be unaware of this. You can sense it, you can feel it, you can taste it, and you occasionally get the feeling that all is well, that all manner of things are well, and although you are mostly unable to identify any physical reason or cause, you feel uplifted and optimistic. Well, you are experiencing the effect of the divine energy field that is enveloping the planet and encouraging you to shine your light and to share your love indiscriminately. When you do so you feel further uplifted. It is not a figment of your imagination – that’s the illusion. It’s an indicatory glimpse of who you really are, and it makes a delightful change from the sense of almost total insignificance that you can experience when you choose to see yourselves as small, powerless individuals – just one of the many billions of apparently insignificant beings on the planet. That view, illusory as it is, is strongly encouraged by the old, decaying system of hierarchies of power, in which the few control, betray, deceive, and suppress the many. And its rate of decay is accelerating.
Focus on the loving attitudes and behaviors that are rapidly replacing, permanently, the old, inharmonious, and divisive ways. The power of your love, exponentially strengthened and intensified by the divine Love field in which you have your eternal existence, is dissolving the illusion, which cannot withstand its tremendous onslaught of gentleness and kindness, as it flows ceaselessly across the planet, nudging you all into new ways of behaving and into new ways of responding to one another. The love that you have always felt for each other as God’s divine children is seeping into your conscious awareness and showing you the way Home.
With so very much love, Saul.
Proof and paradox?
On the subject of proof, you say - "Many of you, when you read this, may say: “Yes, we have heard all this before, so show us the proof.” Well, the proof is all around you if you would make the choice to see it instead of focusing so much of your attention on the problems across the world.
This does neatly sidestep the issue. Those who are asking for proof are clearly asking because they can't see any, so perhaps you could demonstrate some of the kindness you are exhorting, and help those who are asking for it, to see the proof you say is there but decline to specify.
For me personally your reply is inadequate and lacks kindness and compassion. Let us hear you give specific instances of the proof which YOU claim exists.
It is easy, so easy, to dupe people with words and intangibles and generalisations. It's also a common 'delphi technique' to insinuate that a person is inadequate because they can't see the proof, as opposed to being straightforward and giving the proof you claim exists.
Why should I or anyone trust you and your words unless you act differently to the status quo and a) DELIVER on your promises. b) Provide PROOF of your statements?
You want people to trust you and believe you? Then the responsibility is yours to prove you are trustworthy - not ours to blindly believe words backed up by nothing tangible or solid.
With respect....it is time to treat your readers as discerning adults and no longer as gullible children.
I am willing to believe you, on condition that you prove you are trustworthy. That's an adult approach. Do you have an adult reply?
There is proof out there in
There is proof out there in the occurences in the world. The biggest front scene piece of proof is the Occupy Movement which is the beginning of Christ/Unity/Compassion Consciousness. There is vast amount of proof that is not in the forefront for all to see. No amount of telling you what I percieve as proof that positive changes are underway will convince you that is the case. You have to see it with your own eyes and if you cannot see it, then it is futile to try and explain it to you, because you will not take mere words into account. Is that not what you stated in your comment above - That mere words are not enough to convince you that there is proof? It is not up to anyone to convince you, to do so would be infringing upon your free will. You have to make the decision to see what is going on in the world and make your own conclusions as to what all the happenings mean. Most of the provable evidence is hidden from plain sight and therefore must be researched, or accessed with senses that go beyond the traditional 5, that humans are taught is all they have. Believing is Seeing and when Believe kicks in, that creates instant reality. To which varying degree one believes, is what determines the solidity of said created reality. Deliverane of the promises is happening right now, but once again, if you cannot already see that as occuring, then no amount of talk will make you see otherwise. You are coming from Fear based Ego and that is the reason you cannot see what Saul speaks of. Start to view the world through your heart; start to listen to the sutble, sublime whispers of the soul. That is where the proof you seek and desire will come from. Switch your mode of perception and all will start to be revealed and fall into place for you. The mind/ego ALWAYS wants MORE AND MORE proof, no matter how much proof has already been given, no matter what kind of proof it is. The mind is never satisfied with what it has learned in the way of proof. Why? Because the mind comes from Fear and Doubt. Not Love and Confidence like the heart, which is why it is so essential that you start to live through your heart/soul/higherself. Use your intuition for discerning the truth of the matters that swirl around us at this time. What does your intutition, your higherself, tell you? That is the key to understanding what is going on. That is the master key above all else that could help to unlock you from the illusion that you find yourself in. Soul. If you want proof, it is not someone else's responsibility to provide it for you. That will not be good enough for your brain anyway. If you yearn for proof, it is YOUR responsibility to find it and integrate it. It is YOUR responsibility to decide what you deem as acceptable proof, and what is not. Once again, because you cannot see what Saul speaks of, you come from a place of Fear and anger, because your perception does not allow you to see what Saul is talking about, when from my stance, it is plain as day, what he is referring to. I say this all with Love and Respect, from one being to another. Provide your own proof, do not expect another to do that for you. Saul is not here to prove anything, merely to guide us to our own proof if we so decide to take that guidance. Much Blessings, Love and Light.