Psychology Today
Published on August 10, 2012 by Marc Bekoff, Ph.D. in Animal Emotions
Didn't we already know this? Yes we did.
Every now and again I receive an email message I ignore after reading the subject line. I know I'm not alone in following this rule of thumb, but today I broke down and opened a message the subject line of which read "Scientists Declare: Nonhuman Animals Are Conscious". I honestly thought it was a joke, likely from one of my favorite newspapers, The Onion. However, it wasn't.
My colleague Michael Mountain published a summary of a recent meeting held in Cambridge, England at which "Science leaders have reached a critical consensus: Humans are not the only conscious beings; other animals, specifically mammals and birds, are indeed conscious, too." At this gathering, called The Francis Crick Memorial Conference, a number of scientists presented evidence that led to this self-obvious conclusion. It's difficult to believe that those who have shared their homes with companion animals didn't already know this. And, of course, many renowned and award-winning field researchers had reached the same conclusion years ago (see also).
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Your right this is rediculous. To think all the money they waste on this stupid crap! alls they had to do was adopt a pet, I have 5 pups ad 2 Parrots and they talk up a storm, they say yum yums when there hungry they call me by my name, they say thank you when you give them food or when UPS makes a delivery,lol.. They know e/actley what there saying. I cant even believe studies are being done on this, Wow!
Makes me wonder, why would they do these obvious studies and why? are they so easy to show to the public how rediculous the studies they do are, lmao!!
kinda makes me laugh!
Namaste everyone and have a great day!