Scientists rush to save manta rays, the 'pandas of the ocean'

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By Adrienne Mong, NBC News, November 24, 2012

By Rebecca Pilkington-Vincett

A feeding station popular with manta rays is not far from the Misool Eco Resort and Conservation Center in Raja Ampat, eastern Indonesia.

RAJA AMPAT, Indonesia —They’ve been described by one scientist as “pandas of the ocean.”

“They’re such an iconic species, beloved by divers,” said Andrea Marshall, director of the Marine Megafauna Foundation, who came up with the description during an interview with NBC News. “They’re just amazing.”

To read the rest of the story visit NBC Behind the Wall




Let them BE please. This is

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

Let them BE please. This is also considered setting the captives free. We are the key holders to the misfortunes of others, freeing ourselves FIRST. Least the blind lead the blind and they both fall in a ditch.  Exercise your powers. Its your birthright, remember.


Love Nageeta