Scientists at the University of Iowa, funded by NASA and the government, have announced that magnetic portals exist near the earth’s atmosphere, that can lead directly to the sun.

Doreen Smith's picture


Cassius Methyl  July 27, 2013

‘Portals’ have been discovered, that function to transfer tons of highly magnetically charged particles. They flow from the sun and hit the earth, causing phenomena partially unexplained before. Imagine highly charged ‘storms’ of particles, energy from the sun flowing to the earth almost instantly. These charged particles that come from the sun via these portals, cause geomagnetic storms, and auroral lights. Perhaps HAARP has something to do this? Maybe this ties in with the ancient Mesopotamian texts that say ‘gods pass back and forth from other dimensions’ through the sun? Whats for sure is, scientists that actually serve the citizens and not the government, would find the REALEST facts. 

NASA used its THEMIS spacecraft, as well as a European Cluster probe, to examine this phenomenon; essentially portals leading from the sun to earth, perhaps functioning vice versa as well, transferring tons of highly magnetically charged particles directly to earth. They found that these portals open and close dozens of times each day. Ancient writings and philosophy often has come true, and has been recently understood to depict highly sophisticated technology. So to reference ancient writings, many depict the sun being a sort of portal for the ‘gods to pass back and forth from other dimensions’. NASA has allegedly discovered portals from the Earth’s general area that lead directly to the sun, commonly located tens of thousands of miles from Earth. They seem to open for just a moment; most of them are only briefly ‘open’, others can be vast and sustained.

These portals function for an unknown reason, also in the transfer of the magnetic field from the Sun to the Earth. As far as these government scientists allegedly can determine, these portals aid in the transfer of tons of magnetically charged particles that flow from the Sun causing geomagnetic storms, the northern and southern auroral lights and possibly more. Perhaps the program HAARP had something to do with these portals?

NASA funded the University of Iowa for this study, yet no one can quite determine what these portals are, or what they really do, or if they are somehow necessary or beneficial for the health of the earth. Essentially, they observed charged particles flowing through these things they deemed portals, that cause electro-magnetic phenomenon such as auoral lights in Earth’s atmosphere. The thing about the discoveries of mainstream/paid off/ corporate institution serving scientists, is that when something is this officially announced, it MUST fit into someone or some entity’s agenda, it must. The most amazing and likely important discoveries, scientific and historic facts, are typically suppressed by the mainstream. That also is a good indicator for who is serving who’s interests- a scientist doing a controversial study with little funding or help is likely to actually be serving the people, so just keep in mind how corrupt the mainstream is. Whether it is mainstream news, science, music, politics, anything.

As of late, it seems the mainstream has to step up their game to desperately try and maintain dominance, perhaps monopoly. With the internet, telecommunications, and recent new technological advances, monopolies are ending, and the people are more powerful than ever- IF the person tries, puts forth effort, utilizes his or her resources. So its likely that these scientists needed to make it look like they are serving the people, truly advancing in their field, really doing something.

While i don’t personally know for sure the reason this study was released, it is very, very likely to fit directly into a government agenda. NASA was founded by a Nazi rocket scientist who was secretly moved to the US after WWII and given a new identity, while co workers had no idea he was a Nazi. He was brought here under the government’s ‘operation paperclip’. Sounds too crazy to be true? Look it up, this is well documented fact. If it weren’t for the monopolized indoctrinating ‘education’ institution you more than likely went through, this would be common knowledge.

I don’t claim to know what i don’t know, and you shouldn’t either. Who truly knows the agenda of NASA, and how they work with government, and the shadow powers behind government? All a person must know, is that they need to keep their eyes open, and utilize all information. Learn, people will not simply tell you the crucial facts. People work hard to suppress the truth.





That Image

Mario's picture

At 46 sec's, I had that Image in my head in June, except I was viewing it from the other side, meaning the sun to the right and the earth on the left. I wrote "Transmission in fields" around those days here's the blog June 8 2013 " " Also had written one on June 6th and June 9th.

Bigger representations of the fields, when the link goes to earths core, I am remembering Down... Down into where we see UP as the Ground. Meaning from the sun portals that would be higher up Beings Connecting Down... Down, meaning the core where the energies resides, where we see up as the ground that would be where we are on the Surface of Earth. So yes we connect within these portals, vortexes I viewed them from around Earths grid as Pillars connecting directly on top of each ones that are grounding these energies. And the grid goes directly from the center in another plane of existence? That would be from the Portals, a Link can be brought up in Timeless space or energies that shift our consciousness to a larger "construct" this also happened in December. The expansions allows for?? The codes yes, what is it for? So mother Earth can transform, is as a ship yes? Energies resides within a clearing of faulty constructs within "time". So it is to "fine tune" in other words I say yes.

Well Thank you and Be known in the knowledge that is "leaked out" or that some are trying to "figure out" or "experience" with the possibilities of what is going on. Since time is a constant, events should unfold as needed for interpretations, the causes of the greater functions* Understandings are yet to be known fully by ones attempting to read the Universal conscious fields. Acquired, the Triometrical attempts might be for to know what the exact effects of the event might be? as to say nevertheless an outcome that will not be destructive.

Namaste and Be at one, From a Universal Creator