“Instead of focusing on the external characteristics of others, you focus on their inner feelings, particularly as it is reflected in their behavior and expressions. You gauge the thoughts in another's mind and the feelings in their hearts by carefully watching what they say and do. When you have this kind of vision, you become concerned primarily with the deeper feelings and motivations of the other person” ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba
“How do geese know when to fly to the sun? Who tells them the seasons? How do we, humans know when it is time to move on? As with the migrant birds, so surely with us, there is a voice within if only we would listen to it, that tells us certainly when to go forth into the unknown.” ~ Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
“I do not know which will be the destiny of each one of you; but one thing I know - the only ones among you who will be really happy will be those who have sought and found the way to serve.”~ Albert Schweitzer
“Most people have come to prefer certain of life’s experiences and deny and reject others, unaware of the value of the hidden things that may come wrapped in plain and even ugly paper. In avoiding all pain and seeking comfort at all costs, we may be left without intimacy or compassion; in rejecting change and risk we often cheat ourselves of the quest; in denying our suffering we may never know our strength or our greatness.” ~ Rachel Naomi Remen
We are heading, or more accurately steaming towards this Scorpio New Moon. Things are happening at an intense flow and the more we can let go of trying to control where it’s going, the easier the ride will be. There are a few important dates coming up that will increase the energy on the planet and if we are ready to ride the wave, this can be a very powerful time to intention and prepare.
Kicking off this energetic smorgasbord is the Scorpio New Moon on 26th October, followed by 28th October when, according to Carl Calleman, the Mayan Calendar of Sacred Time comes to an end and we reach the last night of the last underworld of the ninth and final cycle.
Then we are blessed with the powerful cross quarter festival of Samhain/Hallowe’en celebrated by western shaman/pagans on 31st October, and on 1-2nd November, as the Day of the Dead (All Souls Day) in Mexico and Central America. And finally on 11th November its 11/11/11 considered by many a portal day due to its numerological vibration. I will write more about these dates on my blog as we reach closer to them http://rebekahshaman.com/blog/
Unfortunately, I have no idea what it all means, what is going to happen, and how it’s going to happen during these days, and those who have attempted to prophecies, (usually with negative messages of destruction), have got it wrong. The good news is we don’t have long to wait to find out.
However, I do believe there over the next few weeks there will be an influx of energy onto the Planet that will help us to raise our consciousness and live more in unity with ourselves, each other and Mother Earth. The more we utilise these energetic portals the more we can use them to serve ourselves and Mother Earth.
We are creating our reality with our intentions, and now more than ever we can see the almost instantaneously consequences of our actions. We are constantly choosing to follow either our heads or our hearts, to be guided by our fear or our love and reaping the outcomes.
I believe this energetic shift is to help us get more aligned with our head and our heart. Many of us are standing at a crossroads so we can follow our passion, visions and dreams. Life is providing opportunities so we can now jump into the unknown. And in the unknown, magic happens. When we become more aligned with who we truly are we and follow our deepest desires we become happier, and more purposeful, energetic, grateful and loving.
Love and Blessings
Rebekah Shaman XXX
Contents of this Lunascope
NEW MOON in SCORPIO – Wednesday 26th October @ 19.56 GMT
+ Ritual for SCORPIO NEW MOON/Ritual for SAMHAIN (Halloween)
SAMHAIN INFORMATION/Autumn Cross Quarter Festival – Monday 31ST October
SCORPIO NEW MOON – (Wednesday 26th OCTOBER 15.56 EST / 12.56 PST)
This Scorpio Moon has come to offer us a period of getting to know ourselves better. It takes us to a deeper intimacy with ourselves, an awareness of our passion and shows us where the roots of our problems lie.
For this reason it can sometimes be an emotional and challenging Moon, highlighting the things we do not want to see in ourselves. However, the more honest we are with ourselves, the more we are able to let go of the image of who we think we are and begin accepting and loving who we truly are.
The Scorpio Moon tells “It is only when we stop scratching at the mirror and take personal responsibility for everything that is happening in our life that we find empowerment. We are not victims of others; we are only the victims of our own actions and responses. My energy makes you face the hidden sides of yourself. This can be both inspiring and discouraging, depending on how honest with yourself you want to be. I am here to illuminate your weak areas so you can begin strengthening them.”
Scorpio helps us by illuminating the vulnerable side of ourselves, the parts of us we keep hidden and try never to show anyone. And the more we repress these parts the more they appear, especially over a Scorpio New Moon.
Scorpio energy has the propensity to only see the burdens and forget to count the blessings, which is why the Libra new Moon comes before, to remind us to remain balanced and in harmony so we can ride this Scorpio Moon without too much turbulence and drama.
Scorpio inspires attitude and a fearless defiance that can get us into trouble if we are not aware of the consequences of our actions. The more we are aware of what we are doing the more we can use the Scorpio energy to our benefit.
We start connecting with certain people on deeper, more intimate levels than usual and the synchronicities are magical. Scorpio also inspires passion so our creative, sexual urges are often more pronounced during this time. Don’t be surprised if you are feeling lustful and sexy. The Scorpio Moon is great for bringing out the sensual lover in us.
This is also an opportunity to set boundaries, reanalyse a relationship, and get rid of clutter from the past that is no longer serving you. This is the perfect time to clear out all that junk and make room for the new to come in.
Scorpio reignites our passions so that we can remember that we are the ones we have been waiting for. It gives us the attitude so that we can step into the unknown and take the risks. We can no longer just stand on the sidelines. Now more than ever we must find the courage to walk into the unknown and trust that it will all work out right in the end.
I will end this Lunascope with the wise words of Earl Nightingale:
“The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.”
As the Scorpio New Moon is so close to Samhain you can do these rituals on either night or both nights. Over this New Moon/Samhain if you can, gather together with a group of conscious people and share your visions, dreams and passions. Create a sacred circle with the intention of connecting with your ancestors for messages.
Set your altar and honour the four directions, the energies above and below and within. Once you have opened the circle offer the Talking Stick around so that everyone gets an opportunity to share what is on their minds and in their hearts and share their ancestors with the group.
Everyone gets comfortable and shares three deep breathes. The host guides people to relax the body as mentioned in my past new Moon Rituals starting from the tips of the toes and slowly moving up the body to the top of the head. Once everyone is in relaxed there is silent time to connect with themselves and their ancestors.
In the silence thank your ancestors, the angels and spirit guides for their protection and love. Imagine being surrounded by your ancestors and loved ones that have passed on and tell them one by one what is in your heart. End old feuds or misunderstandings that can no longer be resolved in the physical world. If this ritual is done with the right intention and respect you can find peace. (If you are not in a group find a quiet place either in nature or the place where you feel most at peace and safe. Light a candle and thank the spirits and ancestors there…performing your own private ritual).
Give people enough time to really spend with their guides and themselves. Slowly, when you feel it’s the right time, call people to the circle and invite them to share their experiences. Often we can help others when we just share our stories.
Glennie Kindred in ‘The Earths Cycle of Celebration’ suggests a beautiful Samhain ritual. Hold hands in a circle. Pour a spiral of salt on the floor and in the centre leave a lighted candle and some nuts. Each person walks into the centre of the spiral and leaves something from the old year and picks up a nut that represents a new seed to grow. Walk out of the spiral inspired with a new direction for the New Year.
I also recommend a Ceremonial bath on New Moon/Samhain night and use it to vision-journey and ask the ancestors for guidance and any messages they may have for you on your path.
This is the night for divination so consult with the tarot, runes, ogham stick or any other tool that best works for you. Be open to the messages as they may not be what we want to hear. Ask your spirit guides, angels or ancestors for help on your spiritual path. An effective way of getting in touch with your wise woman/spirit guide/guardian angel etc is to imagine going to her dwelling and asking her if she has a message for you. All you need to do is allow yourself to hear the answer.
________________________________________________________________________________ SAMHAIN / HALLOWE'EN / DAY OF THE DEAD /ALL SAINTS DAY/ALL SOULS DAY – AUTUMN CROSS QUARTER
This is my favourite pagan festival (if I had to choose), and the one I feel most in tune with. I have felt this ever since I was a young girl when I would dress as a witch whenever I had the opportunity. It’s the energy of ending cycles and new beginnings. It’s the smells and colours of autumn, the chill in the air and the anticipation of winter as it quickly approaches.
This is the festival to honour our ancestors, when the veil between the spirit world and our world is at its most thin and transparent, especially during the periods of dawn and dusk. It is the festival that signifies the ending of one yearly cycle and the beginning of the new. We are entering into winter and time for darkness and barrenness, symbolised by the next rite of passage from abundant Grain Mother, symbolising the autumn harvest, to old Crone and winter symbolising the end of fertility, and the start of a new cycle of inner knowing, wisdom, and preparing for death/rebirth.
Use this festival as an opportunity to communicate and vision journey with our ancestors using the tools of divination; tarot, dreaming, visioning and through meditation. Experience a rebirth, a vision quest or a soul retrieval, as the portals are open for us to walk through and clear out some deep karmic stuff if we are ready for this journey.
Embrace the encroaching cold and darkness. Enjoy the space it creates, finding the time to integrate all that has happened over the summer and all that is happening. Take time out to rest and relax and allow the crossover of the seasons to happen without stress or anxiety. Change of seasons always brings the opportunity to start again with renewed energy and fortitude.
Some Info About Me….
This Lunascope is inspired to help us to become realigned with the Rhythm of the Planet, through flowing with the natural cycles of the year and the eight Ancient Festivals of celebration that mark and define our annual cycle. The more we live within the natural flow, the more magic and harmony we will experience in our lives.
We have been bamboozled by a corrupt calendar and even more corrupt concept of time. Through concepts like ‘time is money,’ we have gradually forgotten our symbiotic relationship with the Earth and natural environments. Indigenous communities, since time began had a higher vision for humanity and the Earth.
In 1998, while working in a hotel in Machu Picchu, Peru, things fell apart and I was called by a Shaman in a vision that he had the answers to why I was on this planet? So I flew to the Amazon and found the Shaman nestled in a tiny village deep in the Amazon Jungle. While living with him and his family and taking the Sacred Ayahuasca Medicine I experienced first-hand that we are a part of, not apart from, Mother Earth and all life forms and Nature is a symbiotic partner for our survival. By destroying our natural world, we are destroying ourselves, and quickly.
Check out my website www.rebekahshaman.com to hear more about the experience
I have also Self-Published, ‘The Shaman’s Last Apprentice,’ about my experiences in Peru that contains messages from Ayahuasca and my teacher Don Juanito. More information and to buy online at www.rebekahshaman.com
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I am very happy to share my Lunascope but if you do use any part of it please quote me and my website www.rebekahshaman.com so people can subscribe. Thank you xxx