Just wait, this is only a begining what is ahead of any of You.... It is like you just open a most beautiful book with marvelous cover, with simple title: IN SEARCH FOR LOVE...
And you flipped all the pages fast to see how this will end, realizing that every single page is fully empty.... white-blank and blank-white!...
You wonder what this it about, slowly realizing that you sow some letters on first page... Than you set in peace and start reading:
Once upon a time Timothy, The Famous Warrior of Light from long time before time, decided to search for biggest secret of this galaxy...
He was in search for love... In the beginnings, he was searching for word 'love', questioning it: who can love me?.. Who do I 'love' now?... Why no one 'love' me?.... and this goes on and on for couple of millennia, where he realized lets stop searching for word 'love' and go for energy of Love...
So, story goes again, in search not a word 'love', but in search for pure energy of most ancient Love that was written in most archaic prophecies, realizing for how many lives he was in desperate yet exciting search...
So the book continue to be written while you were reading this page, next one start to appearing filled with words, stories and miracles of Timothy's lives...
Some time after almost 13,000 pages of excitement, surprises, beautiful ferries, where monsters and beasts were running over the pages of Timothy's adventures, you reach final chapter of this magical book of life, with this very simple yet profound title...
In this last chapter, our main hero, kind of start realizing that was no so bad or difficult searching and discovering... He become true wizard, and real white warrior... But he felt something was missing on this path? what was the title of his wondrous story?... Oh, yes 'In search for Love'...
'At least I am not completely lost, while I was doubting, or being afraid, or being angry...' he thought out loud...
And as Divine Providence brings every soul to its happy endings, so our hero had most inspirational idea: Lets go and talk with FatherMotherGod, directly and face to Faces, without fear and judgments...
Where there is a will there is a power... so with his all powers of inner truth, he dialed this Skype program [it is like a phone, but better than yelling over the castle walls, but with pictures where you do not have to go out in the rain...]
When this call happened, something struck him like a thunder: He finally had an answer for all his questions, all his doubts, all his fears!... He KNOWS, he Knows now the answer to this magnificent question...
He finally found IT.. .He found Love in the full flesh and smile... and Her Name Is Mother God... He finally found LOVE...
The end... [at least the end of this sequel of life...]