Searching For The Way

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Lucas – Searching For The Way – The Unity Paradox And Arcturian Insights – 19 June 2013

(picture credit)

Several shifts have taken place and it is that what I hear and read people have experienced as well as I have done so.   The shifts in feeling a second body, let us call it for now “spiritual body” being moving  around in your physical one. Experiencing a sort of bi-location in being in two places or levels of experience in one moment of the now.  Feeling shifts in consciousness. Expressing new capabilities as Telepathy, etc.  Seeing manifesting capabilities really work in just moments.  The evidence things are changing and realities are shifting are growing day by day.

People are searching in the now for their way to be. That can be starting new occupations, relationships, business or finding people who you can work with on projects. The finding your new ways is often based on synchronistic events or even the total resonance amongst certain people .  The one calls its finding your soul group others just say it is  finding your way with those that resonate with you and you’re doing.  It is all based on the levels of consciousness that people are in.