Seeing the picture clearly by SophiaLove

glr_Andrea's picture
by GLR SophiaLove 05/01/2012

  It is May. In the Midwest U.S., a time for flowers and graduation ceremonies; transitions.  The arrival of the new, even if we’ve seen it every year, is celebrated.  It brings us to the past – perhaps our own graduation or last years tulips.  We are systemically changing this month, without anything to relate to; a bit disconcerting.

Our brains are associative.  We won’t even see a thing unless we have something else similar to relate it to.  Moving forward without a map is part and parcel to the way seer manifesto.  This is untraveled ground.

Brand new thought sticks out there like an optical illusion. Sometimes even after being told its there, we can’t make it out.  It takes concentrated effort and intention.  We will need both as we proceed, we are entering uncharted territory.  This is the fun part.

My entire body sort of hums now.  Several weeks ago the internal motor started and today the subtle vibration and sparkling is constant – I barely acknowledge it.  This week there are waves of energy, resulting in a sensation of spinning.  My diet and sleep patterns are all over the map, which is true for my entire family.  Something new shows up almost every day and we adjust to the level so that the next stage can occur.  Ascension or the move to the “next dimension” has to happen gradually so that we can assimilate it comfortably.  The plan here is for amazing yet not shocking.  We want to enjoy this.

So let’s relax a bit.  As our eyes and bodies adjust, let’s see and feel the change without worry or confusion.  We are brilliant beings of light who have been tasked with moving a planet and her people out of density in “real time”.  We will live through whatever scenario we collectively create.

“Are we there yet?” need no longer be asked, the answer is yes.  This is our ascension.  There is not a day or specific moment in which it occurs; there is instead this consistent gradual process of awareness.  Expect change and don’t hang on to any “truth” because this is a time of revelation and discovery.

We are participants and players; creating this new world we are witnessing.  From personal to global, the shift is us.  As our eyes adjust we see this picture shimmers and morphs, settles in for a moment then changes again.

Through it all, hold a vision of beauty, joy, oneness, expansion, and abundance – love.  You are in the time of what seem to be miracles, yet they are possible only through you.  Accept responsibility for it all – your life, your world, your ascension.  With pen in hand, what picture will you draw for us all to see?

Next May we will be here again.  We’ll recall today so that we can better understand where we are.  Imagine amazing – that is where we are headed.  We may not have lived this way ever, but if we see it and expect it, it is ours.

World Liberation Day ( is a point we will look back on, when we grasped the pen firmly and put it to paper.  We will together define our new world.

We are the ones we are waiting for.
