We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. We see in your world a double message being sent out to the masses at this day. We know this because we see the confusion within the societies of the soul. This double message we speak of is on one side sweet to the taste, and bitter to the stomach ( for some) while, the other side tells you what your new life you are each about to enter is truly like, not that it is bad or undesirable. Still there are few who provide you with the latter. We do not like to instill fear in the people nor do we like to send out a message of negativity, as neither one of these ( fear and negativity) reside in love.
You are indeed unconditional love dear ones and yet you are so much more than unconditional love; and so you need to be shown everything that you truly are. It is easy in life to spread a message of love; peace; happiness; free will; prosperity; and unity to the masses, but it is like teaching your children about your Easter Bunny. It is easy to create illusions for the children so that they grow up teaching their children the same illusions. But bigger illusions can always be created from the smaller ones if we are not careful. Such as prejudice and choosing sides, where many do not even know which side is the right side. This alone causes separation and duality in life. And so we agree that fifth dimensional life is wonderful in that it provides unity; Oneness; and singularity, as all souls come together to form one Great being or Man. But is that all that will truly exist when we all form to become that One Man? Do we forget about all other beings and worlds we left behind?
It is all nothing but sugar coating and window dressing for some teachers at this day (to use the terms within the mind of the human). One day is no better or worse than any other day dear ones, and once you each come to live in the now you will then see that one now moment does not have to be any more special than any other now moment. And so we say to you dear ones do not teach your brothers and sisters of the world, who are all in fact other representations of you, to live life in the illusion that everything is good in reality alone, when many do not yet even know what reality is.
Can there not also be much happiness and abundance in the illusion? Are we in illusion now at this day in third density life, if we are in fact living in third density life at the moment? Yes, we would certainly be in illusion in third density. And why does one day have to be separated and made to be a happy day over all other days? Why are not all days happy ones, and why are not all now moments happy ones. What will we be leaving our third density counterparts believing? That we who choose ascension will go on to complete happiness while those who remain in the present world and system are doomed?
You are indeed God dear ones, and because of this there is truly no other above you. You have been taught by the lower densities to never think or believe this as you would come to be thrown out of heaven, as was Lucifer. This is a fallacy dear ones, to believe there is some other being above you. Your higher self is even you!What message you really need to be given, and must each come to remember is that Unconditional love and light and evil and darkness are simply two different sides of the same coin ( another human expression). It is truly good that you wish to unconditionally love all souls in existence for this is what your three dimensional material and physical world was put in place for in the first place. That world is the shcoolhouse and seminary of the soul.
You come to third density lfie so as to learn that service to self, and darkness and evil being reflected toward other souls, will always get you back what you put out in life. "You reap what you sow," or "Like attracts like." Therefore there is no other way to live your life to benefit others equally with yourself without living life in unconditional love and light to all souls in life. Does this mean that evil and darkness will dissapear when you ascend dear ones? No! It will still exist for other representations of "you."
It will still exist but will have no access to you and yours as you have learned your lessons in life, which is why "you" choose ascension in the first place. Those who go with you will choose ascension as well, but some will not realise they had done so. When you enter fifth dimensional life those who exist in fifth density, who make up your body and form as the Grand Man, will be fifth dimensional beings or souls already. Every human face in the third dimensional world you have created, they have each helped to create as well, and they will remain in third density life until their consciousness tells them each that it is time to move on.
You see dear ones, you exist at every level of life, and every dimension, which means that when a soul chooses to move on to a higher density another (newly created) soul from the same spiritual society and soul group takes its place in third density, without the one knowing that the other has gone. "Two will be standing in the field, the one will be taken while the other is left." What we wish to stress to you dear ones is that you are third diimsnional beings and life, while at the same time you are fifth dimensional beings and life. And in reality you are all beings and all life upon every plane of existence, and within every dimension of life.
So you are not simply going to some fifth dimensional world to live life to eternity in unconditional love and light while leaving all those third diemnsional beings that are you to fend for themselves. You will now be a part of the life and every day existence of any dimensional representation of yourself that you please. If you want to be alone you can be alone - If you wish to be among others you can be among others. You will never actually be alone in life but you can certainly create the illusion that you are.
But remember dear ones that creation is illusion no matter whether it comes from unconditional love and light or evil and darkness, and once you ascend and reach fifth density there is no real or false reality; no right or wrong; no good or bad; no opposites any longer but all is connected as one. If you wish to look at it as real what will it matter, as it is certainly real to you. All and everything will be lived in life within the Grand Man who is you and i all together, living life where everything in existence is lived as a single thought within a single now. For if it is you who are making all decisions in life now, with no one to counteract your thoughts or decisions in life, then everything in life is right for you, and never wrong; real for you and never false or illusion.
When you each come to live life within fifth density dear ones all and everything has now come together and there is no longer any duality or separation from the source who is the All in All. You are the All in All now at that time of your fully awakening, and nothing can happen in life unless you choose for it to happen. So do you see dear ones why it is good to have the whole message? Do you see that all truly is about to become wonderful for you all, but that evil and darkness certainly do exist within third density, and that you can now enter those third density worlds and help change them for the better once you enter fifth density.
You can also choose not to enter third density once you enter your new life in fifth density, in which case those human beings will continue living their lives in free will, where all things will take place according to what you and all other souls in the higher realms agreed upon. For they too will forever have the choice in life to mature and ascend as all can ascend in life without there being a universal ascension process in their world. But again dear ones, ascension is always a decision that is a free will choice of every soul ever to exist.
When you ascend you do not go to heaven as you are already in heaven. Neither do those in third density go to hell as they are already in hell much of the time. If you wish to enter heaven and leave hell you need only choose your thoughts;words; and actions from the heavenly realms. Heaven is everywhere just as hell is everywhere, and you choose whether you are an angel man or a devil man for all the days of your existence.
You are truly bound for heaven and you have no need to worry as to whether you will still have the hells to deal with when you enter your new world and life in fifth density. Ascension is at your doorstep and you need only to get prepared for a life that hardly resembles the one you are each living at this day. Are these not words that are sweet to the taste and yet sweet to the stomach as well? That is because all things will now be One, and will now be known and shouted even from the rooftops. There will no longer be the bitter and the sweet, there will only be what makes you happy within every now moment of "your"life. But you will know all! Do not allow yourselves dear ones to be swayed at this day with words that tickle your ears. Seek the whole truth based on what resonates with you.
We leave you now dear ones surrounded by unconditional love and light. We ask you to reflect this love and light to all within your world.
We are Emmanuel and we love you all, as we are you!