Credit: Pinterest.com
By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Inspired by an article from Shubhra on Wake Up World, entitled “Those Who Don’t Believe in Magic Will Never Find It”
We’re all looking for some color in our life; some magic; something that’ll reassure us that the things we’ve learned about life and spirituality are genuine. Some of us probably don’t need reassurance about our beliefs, because we’ve long accepted that our discoveries are real.
Regardless, we’re all looking for something to expand our spirituality and help us see that we really do live in an infinite universe that’s composed of pure, blissful vibrations, which we can tap into with focused, disciplined effort.
We’ve sought love and spirit in plenty of different ways, and a lot of techniques are offered in this day and age to help us “expand our minds”, “raise our vibration”, “connect with our higher self/spiritual guides” – the list goes on.