~Sekhmet: The Biggest Solstice Yet!~
"It is the Sacred and Divine Mission of this Family to learn Truth to help the world and as many of the humans as possible, as many of the humans who want to accomplish their own Ascension, to empower people to help themselves and the entire planet, to share, to inspire, to encourage, and to tell the Truth to everyone in the human body, the Truth of who they really are. Things are speeding up and more people are waking up and ready to use these tools. They can be shared and given to friends. They are a step on the way so that people can be more comfortable and more at ease. They may not feel as though they can do as Jesus did, for instance, but if they have a tool in their hand they can perhaps feel that they can do as Tinkerbell - fairy dust and all of that.
"And so we're here together. This is a blending from the Mentors to you, for you to pay it forward in any manner you can and choose to do, so as to inspire this wondrous Family, that is the Earth-based division of the Family, to move into a new closer, more personalized, and yes, more of a leading role in this entire Ascension process. And we're putting out the call now because the energy of the Solstice is a huge and pivotal point in this process, and so we are asking everyone to utilize this energy to the utmost in order to accomplish their own individual mission, and then to go beyond and come together as Family to bring this forward to the world.
"So we thank you for your attention and we invite you to include this energy in what you put forth. Yes, Sekhmet* will give a piece on this that will take it even further, but for now you have these words and we invite you to use them because they carry our energy signature with it, and if you wish to define again or to remind your audience who we are, remember we are the Nine Star Group and we are very much in service here with you and we frankly are quite excited at what we see ahead for you!"
Given through Susan Leland, June 18, 2011.
Copyright Ashtar On The Road Publications. All Rights Reserved.
"Greetings, Beloved Family! I am thrilled that we shall be gathering on the day of the Solstice!!!* This is not just any Solstice, mind you, this is the Biggest One yet for Planet Earth. And, it makes no difference if you are northern or southern, because the sun is shining everywhere, and you are becoming more and more the radiant beings you really are!!!
"We wish to tell you that the portals are open for you to receive all the benefits of the incoming Solstice energies. You can greatly enhance them just by being awake, of course. But it is what you actually DO with them which makes such a great difference. And this difference is not just for you, in your own energy fields, Beloved Ones. No, this difference is for the entirety of humankind, and for all of the kingdoms of Planet Earth, and for the Universe beyond!!!
"As you evolve into your Ascension Homecoming, it is for you to be Leaders in using all of your higher dimensional gifts and tools, so that those who are looking to you will learn to use theirs also. We are here to assist you, in whatever you call upon us to co-create with you. And, so we shall be doing another co-creation as I continue to discuss my 'Yes I Can! 101' series with you. Our focus shall be on utilizing the grand incoming Solstice energies to further empower you and your energy gifts and tools.
"Now, here's the rest of the story!!! It is TIME, as you measure it, to be in absolute harmony with the higher waves of vibration, in other words, to be creating from the perspective of higher dimensionality, so as to enter into the Golden Age you have so been looking forward to. Yes, it is your mission, Beloved Family, to usher in the Golden Age, and it is our mission to assist and support you. So you can see why it is so critical that you be 'up to speed' as it were, in assuming your Leadership roles.
"Ashtar has recently had delightful discussions with some of our Family members on this topic of Leadership in their individual missions, and we are most joyful to report that some of you are being recognized as having some answers and know-how by humans who wouldn't listen before!!! This is huge, and it's going to get more evident as the Solstice energies are assimilated into the human population of Planet Earth. So, we shall be using the magnificent energies of the day to further empower you to fulfill your mission contracts, in whatever manner you have chosen. Also, stay tuned for a most empowering progress report from the Voice - it is an example of the kind of miracles you can all create!
"We salute you, Beloved Family, and we love you beyond words - Onward into the Golden Age!!!! Namaste!"
Given through Susan Leland, June 19, 2011. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2011. All Rights Reserved
The Summer Solstice
Why was the Decloaking message withdrawn, by whom and why? Strange wording 'you are not authorised to view this message'. I thought I had done something wrong. Why run it if it is not going to happen.