~Sekhmet ~ Co-creating From 5D~Yes I can~

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Free Call October 11, 2011

Sekhmet's "Yes I Can! 101" & Guest Speaker



Sekhmet - Co-creating From 5D

Ascension Energy Tools Teleconference, 9/27/11


"Thank you so much! We are so pleased to be here! This is a very powerful group, and we love it when we get together like this, and have opportunities to share, and to extend our sharing beyond this group as One, and to indeed come into close connection with the entirety of our Planet Earth here, and the Universe beyond.


"There have been many wise, shall we say, gems of information, which have been shared already, and we shall of course, in all modesty, be sharing some more. Now for those of you who might be new to this gathering: 'I've come a long way baby!' I am not the fierce, shall we say, executioner. I've had a bum wrap at times, and yes, I've done some things at times that I just say ho'oponopono, you know, because we've all had opportunities to create events, and to express ourselves in ways that have been more dark, sometimes way more dark than Light.


"And I still stand ready with my army of Paschat warriors to protect those, such as Beloved Obama, Dennis Kucinich, Beloveds Tara and Rama, and others. And yes, I'm here with this group, and so is my army. However, everything we do is high vibe. It is Love. It is done as a creation of Love only, loving service. And if it is necessary yes, I can uncreate somebody at the soul level, but only if they really, really, do not give me any other options. They have choices - everybody does.


"Now we can say in the case of those who have been holding back the Light, and by that we're talking about all that comes with the Light - first of all Peace on Earth, loving each other, and understanding the Oneness in all life, all the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia. Those who have been contributing disruptions, and pollutions, and toxins, and toxic lies, and control, and stealings, and brutalities, and so on and so on - their day is over! And we're assisting in ways that we have never been able to do Beloved Ones, because you have given us permission, and we have received permission from the Galactic Council, and from other, shall we say, groups off-Planet.


"So what's your job? What's your mission? It's to spread the Light. It's to be the Love, and to express from higher dimensionality. It's to spend as much time in the higher dimensionality - that is time remaining until you're there, more or less as a permanent resident - and then you can travel elsewhere, instead of being what you might call a permanent resident of 3D Planet Earth, and traveling to Higher Dimensionality. It's going to flip! You know, do a '180' (degree turn) and there you're going to be, here with us! And there are many, many, ways, and we have explored many of the ways, and we're going to do another one in our Exercise of traveling up and out of 3D.


"So what is it that you're here to do? Well, you're here to demonstrate - that means to show in every way that you can, that you are connected, and indeed a part of the higher dimensionalities, bringing it to 3D, because the more you do that for yourselves, within yourselves, and then share it, the more you help the entire Planet to get up and out of 3D.


"So, how do you demonstrate anyway? Well of course, just knowing, just having the information about who you really are, Gods and Goddesses in a human uniform, because you volunteered to wear the human uniform as leaders, as assistants, as givers of assistance we should say, bridges upon the path, you know - the Ascension Path. And there are ways that you can express Who You Really Are, consciously shining the Light of Love. That's one way, remembering, of course, to bring it into yourselves, and fill yourselves with it, so that you are literally up, up, and away, anyway out of the 3D box, and then sharing and caring.


"And of course you can demonstrate on a communications level, telepathically, through writings, postings on the internet, being an information source that others can turn to, 'Tell me about this, tell me about that?' And if you're not sure, you can direct them to where there's a lot of information - Tara and Rama's website,* and the archives of the Ashtar on the Road website,** are two of them.


"Demonstrate - interesting - that means 'to show,' you know? How can you show? Well what if, let's have some fun here, what if you sent out an email to ten, or a hundred of your closest and dearest friends, and you said: 'I'm inviting you all over. I was sitting in my home last night, or a week ago, or whatever, and I started to focus, and I started to create, and draw to me that shiny red sports car I've always wanted. I'm inviting you over to see it, it's in my driveway right now, and I'll share with you how I got it, and we'll do an exercise together.' How about that? That's a real demonstration is it not?


"Now it doesn't have to be the shiny red sports car, Beloved Ones. It could be, you had a wound, or some kind of a wound - your neighbor accidentally ran over your foot. That's a wound. That's an accidental wound. There was no mal-intent there, it just happened. And so you pulled yourself together, and you moved up, dimensionally speaking, joined hands with your whole entire team with all of us as One, and you called forth the complete and total harmonious healing of your foot. And there again you can invite, first of all your neighbor, and all kinds of wonderful people to see your demonstration of what you achieved!


"Now there are World-wide demonstrations going on right now. We're not talking about the people in the streets, although, yes, that is a good demonstration of solidarity, a good demonstration of getting out there, and having the courage to say, 'This has to stop,' or, 'This has to come into being!' But there are many ways. Just by smiling and beaming and having that assurance in your being, radiating out to others, knowing who you really are. If somebody walks up to you and says, 'I don't know why I'm doing this, I am, you know I'm a little - I'm not myself.' That's always a good one, isn't it? 'I'm not myself. I just feel like you've got a kind of a glow, happiness, a Joy. How do you do it?' You just demonstrate it. You can get up in front of a group of people, and teach, and talk as a demonstration.


"You can sing a song, or dance a dance - that's a demonstration. But demonstrating your ability to create, or to co-create - now that is in a category all by itself!!! We are demonstrating co-creation of Peace on Earth together. And you are asked and invited to demonstrate this on your own, anytime you wish. What about 'ho'oponopono' to somebody who wants to argue with you? There's a demonstration. That creates Peace!!!


"And on the more physical level - and let's get this real clear, everything that is harmonious, coming into balance, sharing and caring, is worthy. If you desire to live in a house, that is a worthy desire, every bit as worthy as desiring Peace on Earth. Why - because it contributes to Joy! To create it, to have it happen, to call it forth - you contribute to Joy; you are contributing to Peace on Earth!!!


"You see it all fits together. There's nothing unworthy so long as it brings only Joy - only Joy to you, and only Joy to those around you, or at least nothing which is the opposite of Joy, you see? There is nothing that is too great, or too small for you to create, if it is within your, humm, shall we say, realm of desire to do so. The thing to remember is that you don't want to focus on desiring, or wanting, or needing, because all that gets you is more wanting, or desiring, or needing. It's called lack. You get what you focus on.


"Now, we know, we know, you've heard this before. The secret, the real secret to 'The Secret,' is to get up and out of 3D when you're doing your creations, when you're doing your manifestations. If you are saying, 'Oh, I'm so tired, I have a headache, I'm hungry, I don't feel real good, but I want a shiny red sports car in my driveway now.' What are you going to get? You're going to get more tired, more not feeling good, more headaches, more hunger, and more not having the shiny red sports car in your driveway. You'll just get to want it more. Where you go to get past all of that is up and out of 3D! Now, you can apply your creations, your manifestations, your calling forth, your intentions to something that is very 3D.


"That's what we're talking about with these petitions,**** but it's a start. It's time - Obama wants to hear from you. Shout with Joy! Sign the petitions and say it's done, NESARA is now, Disclosure is now, Abundance is now!!! Do you feel the power in that? Get up and out of 3D before you sign those petitions. Do your research, do what you need to do, and take your glasses off, and send your intentions on waves of Love, along with your, what you call it, electronic signature. It's like a check mark. Send it out from a place that is higher than 3D. That's how you get the miracles. That's how you get the job done. That's how you get the creations!!!


"That's it! It's so simple! And remember this, too. Every time that you create, or call forth, or manifest, or however you want to say it, from that higher level, so long as you say, It's done!' or, 'I call it forth into my being NOW!' You see that's a command, that's a calling forth. That's an invocation, calling it in. OK, got it! Are you with me? You literally balance out, or cancel at least five times when you said before, 'I really, really, want' - whatever it is. You see? And when you're calling forth something as broad as Abundance, focus on NESARA. Yes, empower it! Yes!


"And then call forth whatever you want to do with that gold, and don't limit how you get the gold, just say, 'From the highest levels of integrity I call forth, and I claim my Abundance from the Universe!' Because you know, somebody could knock on your door...Continued..


* Tara & Rama http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/

** http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/archives_2005_2011.html
*** "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne

**** http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/sign_nesara__disclosure_.html


***** The 'New Jerusalem' is Ashtar's command ship

Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, Sept. 27, 2011. www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
